The whales are arriving ! Discover humpback whale watching in Samaná
Whale watching season has already started The Humpback whale season has finally arrived ! The Dominican Republic’s…
Flights to El Catey on this holiday
From Canada and the United States In this year-end 2013, the El Catey International Airport will…
Hairstyles for Christmas
Different kinds of buns For Christmas Eve and New Year eve’s party, you already know which…
Presentation of a caricatures book by Antonio Millemaci
This Friday at the Art Gallery This Friday April 12, from 7 pm to 10 pm,…
Presentation of the Strategic Plan of Municipal Development
Until 2016 The mayor of Las Terrenas, José Alexis Martinez, along with tourism entrepreneurs and government…
About ten children posed for a Flemish brand
For the Belgian brand catalogue Maybe you’ve seen them during these past two weeks in the…
Information meeting on COE and risk management
On Thursday October 31 at City Hall A meeting will be held This Thursday, October 31st,…
Las Terrenas Hummer Tours 2013
November 2nd and 3rd, 2013 Las Terrenas Hummer Tours is a 2-days event to be celebrated…
Alleged crooks arrested in Las Terrenas
They were offering fake education programs Police officers from Las Terrenas, Samana, arrested this Sunday three…
Las Terrenas surfer represents Dominican Republic
At ISA World Longboard Championship 2013 The ISA World Longboard Championship 2013 takes place in the…