SIE informed that the blackouts were due to poor management from Luz y Fuerza

Superintendency of electricity said that the Luz y Fuerza company must urgently implement tree trimming work

Blackouts Luz Y Fuerza Las Terrenas V01

The Energy superintendent informed that the blackouts in Las Terrenas during the past weekend were due to poor management from the company Luz y Fuerza for not trimming some trees over the distribution power lines.

The regulating entity explained that when there are strong winds the tree branches make contact with the power lines and produce short circuit which cause the power surge protectors to act.

That’s exactly what happened past 22nd of January, when a series of intermittent blackouts occurred in the electrical service of Luz y Fuerza, declared the Superintendency of electricity in a press conference.

They also highlighted that the company Luz y Fuerza have to do an urgent operative to trim the trees that interfere with their power lines to avoid the interruption of electric service in hotels and restaurants of the affected zones.

The superintendent pointed out that the Luz y Fuerza Company also presents technical deficiencies that cause a bad service to the users, such as conductors with insufficient calibers, lack of coordination of the protection fusses and inadequate operation of the disconnection of large users in the zone.

A quick reminder, the electric distribution company in Las Terrenas is still in hands of Luz y Fuerza in virtue of a concession of distribution that has been respected by the state and that the only thing that has changed is that the generation is now supplied by multiple agents in the marked spot, proclaimed the SIE in a press conference.

Blackouts of lines of distributions

In the press release the Superintendency also acknowledged that one of the interruptions of Saturday January 23 occurred in the transmission line of 34.5 kilowatts, which he attributed to heavy rains and strong winds, which caused a tree to rush on line substation.

SIE also admitted that in November last year under the effects of rains accompanied by winds there was another event in the transmission that led to a blackout in Las Terrenas.

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