Hair remover No No !

No No Hair Remover

To say No ! To pain

Shaving, hair removing with wax, cream, tweezers, or laser, many solutions for one single problem: the hairs.

Or rather, for one purpose, one dream: to have legs and armpits as smooth as the skin of a baby.

If all the methods have advantages and defects, there is a new alternative that is perfect according to its creators: the No No ! Hair remover.

This revolutionary machine uses the Thermicon technology, a light emitting that produces heat, allowing a hair removing without any pain, and that postpones the hair growing.

This is the ideal solution to say No No ! To the hairs in a while, all this to be done at home and without any pain… a dream !

Sold by Sephora for 200 euros.

By Lucie H

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