First annual meeting for the tourism development of Samaná

The minister of tourism will attend the event

With the goal of establishing a forum for dialogue where to set development strategies and tourism marketing of Samaná destination the Samaná Tourism Cluster will celebrate the first Annual Meeting for the Tourism Development of Samaná on Tuesday, June 25, 2013 in the Salone El Cayo at Xeliter Vista Mare.

The event has the support of the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), the Dominican Tourism Competitiveness Consortium (CDTC), the Ministry of Tourism of the Dominican Republic (MITUR), the Association of Hotels and Tourism (ASONAHORES ) and ROYAL Caribbean.

Rafael Blanco Tejera, President of Samaná Tourism Cluster, reported that the annual meeting aims to give new impetus to the development of Samaná, identifying sustainable tourism strategies for the improvement of the whole community and focusing on the attention demanded by the increasing flow of visitors, both local and foreign.

In Samana Tourism Cluster we are focused in contributing to the development of our destination, promoting a common program to improve the quality of the tourist offer that shall conform to the national and international image we want to convey said BlancoTejera in a meeting with the Samanà reporters held at Balcones del Atlantico.

The Tourism Cluster of Samana (CTS) is an institution that encourages cohesion in the tourism sector of the region, promoting at the same time the care and responsible use of tourism-natural resources that abound in this destination.

For his part, the Minister of Tourism, Francisco Javier Garcia confirmed his participation in the First Annual Meeting for Tourism Development of Samaná that will take place on Tuesday, June 25 at 10 am at Xëliter Vista Mare.

In a meeting with businessmen, authorities and representatives of the Tourism Cluster of Samaná, where he addressed the issue of how to improve the infrastructure of this pole, Garcia reiterated the commitment to be part of the efforts of public and private entities to contribute to the achievement of a sustainable development of the province, involving all the actors in the tourism industry.

The minister underlined the need for the construction of a center for the promotion of national and international arts in the province of Samaná, as part of the complementary offer of the destination.

We are working on locating an area to build an amphitheater in Samana, is an initiative of the Ministry of Tourism that would allow us to implement a program of artistic and cultural activities in the province, said the minister.

He said that this will be one of the most important initiatives for the province, as it will contribute to the development of national tourist flow, giving chance to tour operators to plan the promotion of these activities.

Having the opportunity to create a space in Samaná where to host international artists, national artists, traditional and cultural groups, will be one of the most important contributions to the province of Samaná he assured.

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