Training of Las Terrrenas firefighters

Donation of two defibrillators

French firefighter Dominique Dorange, who is also part of the Villa Altagracia firefighters academy, organized pre-hospital intervention aimed to the firefighters and the hospital staff of Las Terrenas.

In fact, both agencies received defibrillators from the association Echanges Pompiers Mayenne – République Dominicaine which will also be ​​available for the Red Cross and civil defense.

Nagua firefighters also participated to this training that lasted three days, with theoretical and practical classes. It finished with a simulation that allowed the participants to validate the acquired knowledge.

As indicated by a representative of civil defense this is the first time that a training of this nature is organized, allowing all agencies that provide assistance to victims to work together. Thanks to the presence of a paramedic from Santo Domingo the participants learned how to use defibrillators, oxygen, to extract a victim from a vehicle, reduce fractures, stop bleeding and PCR methods.

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