The Emporium Group invests in Las Terrenas

The real estate in Las Terrenas is reaching heights

The project was signed at the same time as the confirmation of the end of work of the highway Santo Domingo- Las Terrenas, as well as the commitment of six new airline companies from here to 2012 for flights via El Catey Samaná.

It acts of Kuwait Airways, Australian Airlines, Virgin Blue, Ocean Air, New Axis Airways and Japan Asia Airways.

The Emporium Group, whose last constructions are located in Dubai, presented this new project at the time of a dinner-spectacle at the Jaragua Renaissance of the Capital yesterday evening.

Emporium Las Ballenas is spread out over 6 hectares, at the seaside with a private access on the splendid beach of Las Ballenas. Composed of two towers of 40 floors, two buildings of 30 floors, two others of 25 floors and not less than 240 apartments of two floors, in totality 1800 apartments going from the studio to the duplex of 450 m2.

With its 15 restaurants, its 8 swimming pools, its commercial centre of 20 shops and its supermarket, Emporium Las Ballenas reaches already heights in Las Terrenas.

For any further information, thank you to address to you to the sales office located at the entry of the project (access on the beach, small wooden bungalow on the left).

Las Terrenas Live, 01.04.08

Dominican Republic wins a dance award in Cuba

Caribbean Dance Biennial

Havana.– Exclamaciones by the Bló a Bló Company, from Santo Domingo, and Cuban Luvyen Mederos Coca Cola Dreams won the awards of the Caribbean Dance Biennial, which concludes on Tuesday in Havana.

Soloist Anabel Gueredrat, from Martinique, Sandra Ramy and Guido Gali, both members of Cuban Danza Abierta, were awarded with mentions.

The jury, presided over by Ramiro Guerra, winner of the 1999 National Dance Award, evaluated seven regional soloists and five groups. Those awarded will participate in a tour for South America later this year.

The event, in its first edition, grouped dancers from Haiti, Barbados, Guyana, Trinidad and Tobago, Dominican Republic, Panama, Brazil, Venezuela and Cuba.

Argentinian Susana Tambutti, Brazilian Eduardo Bonito, and Venezuelan Carlos Paolillo, directors of Internacional de Danza, Panorama, and Young Coreographers companies, respectively, were some of the guest personalities.

The South American Dance Network, composed of professionals of that artistic expression in Latin America, was in session during the event. The two winning works will be feautured at the closing ceremony.

Danza Contemporanea de Cuba Company will present El Peso de una Isla (The Weight of an Island), and Santiago Alfonso’s Company will revive Conga para un Final (Conga for an Ending).

Sponsored by the National Stage Art Council, the Cultures France Association, and the French Embassy to Cuba, the event’s main objective is to favor exchange among regional creators.

Dominican Today, 02.04.08

High wave affects Dominican Atlantic coast

Anormal waves

The Emergency Operations Center (COE) issued a yellow alert for small crafts along the Atlantic coast, from Puerto Plata to Samaná Bay and Mona Passage as a height pressure system is causing higher than normal waves.

COE said the conditions will continue at less for the next 24 hours.

Dominican Today, 03.04.08

Trilogy in Dominican Republic

An investment of 50 million dollars for telecommunications

The American company of telecommunications Trilogy announced the extension of its investments in Dominican Republic with the creation of the name Viva which in agreement with the authorities of the sector will be created through an investment of 150 million dollars. The new company will offer services of mobile and fix telephone, wireless Internet and high speed data transmissions, through an optical fiber network.

The Dominican Republic represents a great growth opportunity for us. We believe that we represent a new source of services and a possibility of choice on the market, said the company in an official statement.

Trilogy arrived last year on the local when the company acquired Centennial Dominicana, which offers services of mobile telephony.

Meanwhile, the official Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel) greeted the arrival of Viva and ensured that the new company will contribute to the extension of the cover of its services and to the reduction of the deficit of access which still persists in some distant areas of the country.

This investment will have an impact on the total system of mobile communications, GSM, but will also continue with its digital technique of multiple accesses per division of codes, CDMA system, in addition to the system of telecommunications by digital transmission of Internet data, also specified the official organization.

Nowadays Trilogy reaffirms the climate of confidence, of economic, social and political stability which the Dominican Republic is living by supplementing the first phase of an investment higher than 150 million dollars, ensured Indotel.

El Nuevo Diario, 04.04.08

Meeting between Scotiabank and Remax Metropolitana executives

A selected group of real specialists

In order to make known its attractive product : Mortgage loans in Dollars, Scotiabank organized an exclusive meeting with the real estate agents of Remax Metropolitana.

A selected real specialists group of Remax, as of the executives of Scotiabank attended this meeting and explained in detail its financing product of holiday properties addressed to non resident customers.

Llulisa Ramirez, First Director of the Alternative Channels exposed the advantages and the characteristics of the Mortgage loans in Dollars of Scotiabank.

With this product, Scotiabank makes incursions on the market of non resident prospectors, who require a mortgage financing in the long term. This constitutes moreover a significant support to the industry of luxury residential tourist projects, which know an extraordinary growth in our country .

With the Mortgage loans in Dollars, Scotiabank offers to the customers up to 75% financing, a fast approval of the loan and a time of damping going up to 25 years.

All this without needing the medical examinations for the insurance life and without closing expenses.

This new product allows the financing for the land acquisition and the financing of the construction of residences mainly for people residing at the United States, Canada and in the United Kingdom.

87 years of presence of Scotiabank in Dominican Republicis a great part of the success of the bank which this year celebrates its 175th birthday within the international framework. Scotiabank has what to be proud through all its history during which it obtained a long series of successes which made it possible to provide an excellent customer service and to support the Communities where it is present.

Diario Digital, 07.04.08

First Dominican author to win a Pulitzer

Junot Diaz

Just days away from the inaugural of the Santo Domingo International Book Fair 2008, Dominican literature in the pen of Junot Diaz obtains the highest prize, a Pulitzer, the first for an author from this country.

A Dominican living in the United States, Díaz joins the ranks of William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Tennessee Williams, Arthur Miller, Saul Bellow, John Steinbeck, Sam Shepard, Norman Mailer, and a host of legends awarded the coveted prize.

Dominican Today, 08.04.08

Investment of more than 150 million dollars

The Inter –American Development Bank finances projects

The new representative in the country of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), Manuel Labrado, revealed yesterday that this organization currently finances projects of development for an amount of 150 million dollars, and he added that the initiatives for the next years will depend on the priorities of the Government which will be elected in next May.

Labrado declared that the IDB disposes for this year of a wallet of 100 million dollars, which will be invested in programs of development for education, projects of infrastructures, and reforms of several institutions of the State.

In the same way, he considered favorable the economic conditions underwent by the country during the last years, and said that this organization will continue its contributions to the projects and initiatives which contribute to strengthen the institutional character and the collective wellbeing.

He ensured that the IDB planned to meet with the new elected government during September and October, for the development and institutional strengthening program of projects which are beneficial for the Dominican Republic.

El Día Digital, 09.04.08

Savor, rhythm and Dominican culture

Tourism fair of New York

New York. – The Dominican Republic recently made a demonstration of its inexhaustible tourist enchantment by receiving the admiration of the public at the time of two important fairs of promotion and voyages sponsored in this city by the New York Times daily newspaper and the foundation Beneath The Sea.

Main hotel chains and the Association of the Hotels of Santo Domingo exhibited the tourist offer of the country to the travel agents, airline companies, tour operators, customers and journalists of the Big Apple and also of other cities like New Jersey and Connecticut.

The colored Stand, made by the Nexos Company was enhanced by the furious rhythm of a perico ripiao, dancers, the skills of a cigar maker, rum tasting and any class of publicity material and informative on the Dominican Republic.

It is the most important travel fair which takes place in the city of the skyscrapers, consequently, as destination, we must present all our attractions on this so important market, expressed Lucien Echavarría, director of the Promotion Tourist Office (OPT) for all the North-eastern Coast of the United States.

He stressed that the fair received a vast cover on Spanish CNN, Option New York and on other important influential American medias.

Another activity through which the country was represented in the OPT of New York, was the principal fair of diving which takes place in the United States, Beneath the Sea which recently held its 34th edition.

The Dominican Republic, in addition to the sun and the beaches, is a recognized destination for diving, with an underwater world which offers exceptional reefs and a marine life very colored, attractions which place the country among the ten most popular destinations of the Caribbean, explained Echavarría to the visitors of the Dominican stand.

He expressed that many hotels all inclusive offer courses and certifications for all those interested to learn more on this exciting activity.

Here, the diving lovers can explore boat wrecks having hundreds of years of history or can enjoy hot water which prevails in the Southern part.

Beneath The Sea is a non-profit-making organization devoted to make the world become aware of the underwater life of the oceans and seas, and the importance to preserve it.

Al Momento, 10.04.08

Six Billboards for Dominicans

Singer-songwriter Juan Luis Guerra won three prizes

Singer-songwriter Juan Luis Guerra won three Billboard Latin Music awards Thursday night, a ceremony in which he was the front-runner and nominated in seven categories.

The group Aventura won two awards and the singer Kat de Luna one Billboard..

Guerra won the top honors as composer of the year, producer of the year and tropical duo or group of the year.

Dominican Today, 11.04.08

Las Terrenas Rio Overflow

This Thursday the Rio overflow caused many damages

Yesterday Thursday April 17, following the strong rains that fell on the village in the afternoon, the Rio overflow flooded many zones of the community.

Water surprised the inhabitants who, for the majority, had never seen such a disaster occurring in Las Terrenas.

This morning, it’s time of cleaning, removing the mud that the Rio left behind.

Today in the afternoon, a video of the floods will be diffused on our website.

LTL, 18.04.08

The President extends his agenda to the North-western

Leonel Fernández in Las Terrenas

The president and presidential candidate of the Party of the Dominican Liberation (PLD), Leonel Fernández, will direct this weekend a concentration day in the areas of the North-western Line, the North-East and the Cibao Central.

On Sunday, the PLD and the political forces of the Progressist Block candidate will go in Samaná andLa Vega, where he will be received by the senators of these provinces Prim Pujals and Euclides Sánchez and by the coordinators of his campaign, Felix Jiménez (Felucho) and Alma Fernández.

In Samaná, he will cross the center of the city and he will go then in the communes of Las Terrenas, Sánchez and El Limón.

El Listin Diario, 18.04.08

Leonel Fernández mobilizes thousands of partisans

Parade in Sánchez and Samaná

President Leonel Fernández received yesterday the support of many partisans at the time of a long parade started in Sánchez and which culminated in the afternoon in Samaná, before the rain and a strong tornado obliges the suspension of the demonstration planned in La Vega.

The presidential helicopter landed a little after 13h00 in the stadium of Sánchez, where, before beginning his demonstration, he directed a ceremony for the former mayor of this municipality and former leader of the PRD, Francisco Sandoval, who was sworn on the PLD. Sandoval pertains to the support group for the re-election, whose members integrate the The Sánchez United Movement for the Restoration.

The supporters of a second movement called United Samaná with Leonel were also sworn in.

From the sporting center, Fernández followed by a great quantity of vehicles, crossed all the streets of the municipality of Sánchez.

Everywhere along the roads crossed by the President, the public was agitating flags and posters symbolizing the Party of the Dominican Liberation.

Fernández then took the road towards Samaná while finding on his way demonstrations of supporter groups.

In Samaná, he was received by the crowd who came to welcome him to the city.

He crossed the center of the city and peripheral sectors in the hubbub of the powerful music of election campaign and the cries of his partisans.

Lastly, the agent went to the old Cayacoa hotel, where he learned the suspension of the demonstration planned in La Vega, because of a strong tornado which affected this city. The bad weather prevented the agent to go by helicopter in La Vega, this is why he did it by car.

The president arrived in La Vega at 06.10 pm and met with the civil servants of the government to set up an action plan to mitigate the damage caused by the phenomenon.

Hoy, by Manuel Jiménez, 21.04.08

More than one million tourists in DR

8% more tourists in 2008 first trimester

During the first trimester of this year, Dominican Republic recorded the arrival of 1.114.313 tourists, 8% more than during the same period in 2007.

The holiday makers are mainly arriving from the United States, Canada and South America, new markets which recorded the greatest growth during this period with a percentage in rise going from 10.9% to 36.6%.

The secretary of Tourism, Felix Jiménez, also quoted Russia as being one of the new countries traveling to Dominican Republic, with a doubled growth as well as Mexico, with a growth of 12%.

Diario Libre, 22.04.08

Tourist cluster representatives commit developing tourism in DR

Tourist Meeting Todos bajo el mismo techo

Representatives of tourist clusters of the country, as well as civil servants of the government and private sectors committed developing a work plan to stimulate the sustainable tourism in Dominican Republic.

It is one of the principal conclusions of the meeting Todos bajo el mismo techo (Everybody under the same roof), which was held in Santiago, organized by the Agency for the Development of the United States, through the Dominican Alliance for the Sustainable Tourism, the National Council of Competitiveness and the Secretariat of Tourism.

The 141 representatives of the public and private entities which attended the meeting agreed to establish a 100 days plan and another plan of 1000 days in order to develop concrete actions which will make it possible that the country form part of the nations which protect their natural resources at the same time as they develop the tourist industry.

Al Momento, 23.04.08

New real project development in Las Terrenas

A tourist complex of 250 thousand square meters

The new tourist real offer Balcones del Atlantico was presented to the Dominican public by the president of the project Máximo Bisonó, and Jorge Rodríguez, sales manager, who declared that it acts of a new terrestrial paradise, wedged on the Northern littoral of the sierra of Samaná.

The architecture of the first step of construction was conceived by Juan Pérez Morales and Miguel Reyes, creation which establishes a particular harmony with the beautiful beaches and the luxuriant green of surrounding nature.

Bisonó said that the project Balcones del Atlantico has an authentic note, not only by its architecture, but also thanks to its installations and interior designs, created by Patricia Reid, Karla Martínez and Niobe Robles, three specialists in the creativity.

The infrastructure of the Balcones del Atlantico is a space which fulfills the requirements of every host.

The project includes a beach of 700 meters and is located on 250 thousand square meters.

The first step is composed of 86 units of villas, penthouses and town houses, laid out and furnished according to modern world requirements.

There will be also 4 swimming pools, a play zone for the children, a beach club and vast recreation spaces.

Within this incomparable project, the families will be able to have unforgettable holidays.

El Listin Diario, 24.04.08

Agreement of the year for Las Terrenas

 400 social housing

After the Rio overflow occurred on last April 17, agreements were just signed with the Tourism Secretariat for the construction of 400 social housing for all the persons living on the river side.

This decision was taken in relation with the red alert given at the end of the past year, after the Noel hurricane and the Olga storm, by the country authorities of environmental protection that declared as danger zone the rivers sides.

This new step for the protection of population will prevent any construction along the rivers, except with prior agreement.

This decision is part of the project of Leonel Fernandez government that aims at making safe the least protected zones.

The initial works will start at the end of this year.

LTL, 25.04.08

Las Terrenas and Saint-Tropez

Cultural exchanges with Saint-Tropez

A meeting between Josée Alexis, Mayor of Las Terrenas and the new Mayor of Saint-Tropez, Mr Jean-Pierre Tuvéri, is planned for next June in order to relaunch the agreements of cultural exchanges that were established with the former mayor of this city.

LTL, 25.04.08

Sustainable Tourism in Las Terrenas

Public meeting for a better tourism future in Las Terrenas

Wednesday April 30, at 10.00am, a meeting that will have as principal topic sustainable tourism in Las Terrenas will take place in the Biblioteca Comunitaria Anacaona, and under the initiative of the Mahatma Gandhi Foundation.

During the next 3-5 years organizations in the Dominican Republic organized under Tourism Clusters may receive up to five million dollars to be used in organizational processes, in human resources (personal, technical and professional development), in activities to preserve our natural and cultural resources as well as in the production of promotional materials (internet, magazines, maps, flyers, posters, etc), among others.

Thus, the purpose of this meeting is to give information on the funds and their management, to organize and conceive a strategic plan so Las Terrenas can benefit from these funds and transform its tourist management on the sustainable development and sustainable tourism.

LTL, 29.04.08

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