Festive weekend in Dominican Republic

This weekend, the Dominican Republic celebrates its Constitution. But in fact, which Constitution ? Here is a little explanation of this National holiday: the Dominican Republic is a representative democracy in which the national powers are divided into three independent groups: executive, legislative and judicial. The Dominican Republic is governed by a Constitution dating from 1966. The President of the Republic runs the Government, applies the laws and orders the armies. The President, the Vice-president, and all the members of the Parliament are elected by universal suffrage for a four-year period.
The main Dominican political parties are the social-Christian reformist Party (PRSC), the Dominican revolutionary Party (PRD) and the Dominican Party of liberation (PLD). The PRSC is supported by the farmers and by the middle classes, whereas the PRD mainly consists of farmers without ground and urban workers.
But this weekend, no politics and Fiesta for everybody ! !

, Las Terrenas Live

Today, the European Union applies safety standards in the airplanes

The new safety standards answer to the dismantling of a network preparing an attack against plane’s passengers with liquid explosives, last August, in the United Kingdom.
Today, November 6th, comes into force a European Union standard regarding the safety in the planes, which will restrict the volume of the hand luggage and the containers of liquids that can be put into suitcases.
It was explained that these measures are an answer to the breaking up, which took place last August in the United Kingdom, of a network which prepared an attack against a plane’s passengers with liquid explosives hidden in hand luggage.
These limitations concern all the passengers and the departure flights, including those who are in the transit airports of the European Union, except for Iceland, Norway and Switzerland.
The department of Spanish Airports and of the Air Navigation (AENA) put at disposal a call center 902 404 704 for the persons who would like additional information about these new measures. The main changes will affect the containers of more than 100 milliliters by unit. Only containers of a capacity lower than 100 milliliters can be transported in individual packaging.
These containers will be transported in a transparent plastic bag with an opening and lock system and a capacity lower than one liter. This measure affects creams, gels, toothpastes, lotions, drinks, syrups, perfumes and other articles of similar volume.
The passengers will present this bag in the security checkpoints of airports. The dietary products, the medication and the baby-food can be put in the hand luggage, provided that they will be consumed during the flight, and that they will be presented during the control for their inspection.
Purchases in the shops of the boarding gate’s zones will be authorized once the security check will be passed and all the liquids, which will be bought in these commercial zones, can be transported as hand luggage. The transport of liquids in the registered luggage is not limited, since the scanners verifying this luggage are more accurate than X-Rays machines used in the control of passengers and hand luggage.

Listin Diario, 6/11/06

The real-estate tourism experiences a boom

Luis Rafael Lopez

The tourist Dominican industry has registered a great change with the« boom» experienced by the real-estate tourism, according to Luis Rafael López, president of the National Association of Hotels and Restaurants (ASONAHORES).
López, interviewed in the economic meeting of Hoy, said that the Dominican tourism is experiencing an interesting evolution towards the tourist real-estate and that, many foreigners are looking for their second home in the Dominican Republic, and are investing in houses and apartments. Interviewed together with Arturo Villanueva, executive vice-president of ASONAHORES, López highlighted that in the country numerous habitation projects are developed to be sold to the foreigners.
He mentioned projects like Capcana, Roco Ki and others in Punta Cana, as well as other projects in Cabarete.
The development of the real-estate tourism of the country began at the end of the 80s, in Puerto Plata, with the construction of tourist urbanizations and condominiums. As he explained, then a pause took place but in the last times, the development of real-estate projects with tourist purposes has reached its top.
With the diversification that is taking place in the tourist sector, the country obtains a passenger who is not only coming once a year, but four, five and up to seven times. Moreover, he is going to the cities to make shopping, to go in restaurants and to do other types of business.
In another way, Lopez thought that the country is in the right moment to stimulate the project development of housings construction for North Americans and citizens in age of retirement in other countries, who might come to the Dominican Republic to live their last years.
In the country, there are many projects focused on the satisfaction of the American family requirements and of other nations that would be interested in coming to live here after the labor retirement.
In this sense, he emphasized the importance for the development of this type of project, that the country can count on public safety, considering it fundamental for a family that comes to the country for the retirement.
For his part, Villanueva said that any other tourist destination has underwent the transformation experienced by the Dominican Republic.
In this sense, he added that the last hotels opened in the country are of the highest quality, among them, he mentioned the Melía Palma Real, which, although being an all-inclusive, is a high standard place.

Aleida Plasencia
, Hoy Digital

Yesterday at 17:50 local time, the first commercial flight landed to El Catey Samana

Yesterday November 6th at 17:50 local time the first flight from Düsseldorf arrived, with LTU in the El Catey-Samana Airport.
Today, the Condor company will be landing.
This evening, the public inauguration of the El Catey Airport will take place.
Therefore, the opening and the functioning of this new airport is now a fact !

Yolanda MAÑAN, Public Relations El Catey Airport

Official opening of El Catey-Samana Airport

LTL was here on last Tuesday evening for the landing at 8 pm, local time, of the second commercial flight of the Company Condor proceeding from Frankfort, with stopover to El Catey-Samana for the public inauguration and then takeoff for Puerto Plata.
Tomorrow Friday on 2vouzamoi, exclusive and complete story of this major event for the Peninsula of Samaná in Dominican Republic.

, Las Terrenas Live

Film Festival launched

President Leonel Fernandez inaugurated the first annual Dominican Film Festival at the Eduardo Brito Hall at the National Theater yesterday, and commended the works of many artists who have contributed to the Dominican community through cinema. Fernandez was accompanied by his wife Margarita Cedeno, actors Judge Reinhold and Andy Garcia, and Dominican actress Zoe Saldana, among others, during the inaugural event. Fernandez also honored Saldana, Garcia, Alejo Mendez, Luis Llosa and Claudio Chao with special Presidential orders recognizing their achievements in the arts. Andy Garcia said that he was honored to have received the recognition from the President and said that he appreciates the support that the country has given to him throughout his career, adding that some of his best moments have come while in the DR, going back to 1975, when he filmed his first movie here.

, Las Terrenas Live

Round trip flights Paris-Samaná with Star Airlines at 640 € on Go Voyages

We began our tests of stays and flights Paris-Samaná and we found round trip flights with the airline company Star Airlines, on www.govoyages.com for 640 €, departure Thursday December 7th from Paris with arrival at El Catey-Samaná, then return on December 14th.
Now, you can launch some research on different dates and come to visit us for the Christmas holidays !

, Las Terrenas Live

In October the inflation was of 0.10%

Santo Domingo – The Central Bank informed that the Consumer Price Index (IPC) felt in October a variation of 0.10% whereas in September it was of -1.10%, by the rises in the group Foods, Drinks and Tobacco.
The rises of this group in October were impeded by the diminution of -1,43% of the Premium gasoline and – of 2,73% of the Regular, which was reflected in a reduction of -0,42% of the Transport group.
The Central Bank said that this variation in October places the inflation accumulated during the time January-October 2006 to 3.57%, which will make it possible for the country to be supplemented and to conclude the present year with an inflation level of only one figure, in agreement with the objectives of its monetary program.
It added that the inflation, measured from October 2005 to October 2006, recorded a 3.57%. The increase in the Foods, Drinks and Tobacco group of 0.33% is explained by the rises in the prices of the chicken broth (5.95%), of the white sugar (8.05%), of the spotted habichuelas (7.69%), of the red habichuelas (2.50%), the green guandules (4.49%) and the eggs (3.46%).

Diario Libre, 12/11/2006

Brad Pitt in Samaná

With the time, The Dominican Republic gained in fame while being one of the destinations the most appreciated by the international personalities realizing investments, mainly in the tourist regions, and for acquiring a second residence or for being co-owners of attractive tourist complexes.
Celebrities like Julio Iglesias have already transformed Punta Cana into their definitive residence. The Iberian spends the main part of the year in the country. Oscar de la Renta, Dominican, personality of international fame also attracts the other personalities who come here and fall in love with beaches, with the hospitality of the Dominican and with the opportunities to make some business.
I think that is this overall of kindness what attracts these celebrities in the country, explained the executive vice-president of the National Association of Hotels and Restaurants (Asonahores), Arturo Villanueva.
The Russian dancer Mikhail Baryshnikov also makes some visits a year to enjoy the atmosphere, the beach and the Creole flavor.
In the Eastern region the previous presidents of the United States, Bill Clinton, George Bush father, and the current president George Bush, make more than five visits a year to appreciate the kindness of this country. The actor Vin Diesel also showed its interest by making investments in the municipality of Miches, Province of El Seibo.
From his part, the family of Gustavo Cisneros benefits of its holidays to La Romana, one of the Dominican Republic provinces with the most international celebrities, although being one of the youngest of the country.

In this region of the country, the inauguration of the new International Airport of El Catey brings a passengers terminal of 2 levels and 90,000 squared meters, which can welcome planes of big dimension as the Boeing B747 or the Airbus A640, and will be able of negotiating traffic of 1,500 daily passengers. It motivates the personalities, as it is the case for Brad Pitt who wishes to acquire a castle in the region.
In 2005, more than three million foreign tourists entered, and a projection for 2006 concludes with four million of entrances.

Tourist attraction
The Dominican Republic possesses a big tourist charm for its history and its natural landscapes, and this last part is important for the state economy, explained Arturo Villanueva.

Desirée Martinez and José Javier for the Listin Diario

Hervé is back thanks to a generous donor

In the heading of the good news of the week, in addition to the opening of the Airport El Catey Samaná, a new resident – investor of the sector Las Ballenas – kindly offered us 10.000 Pesos in order to clean the littoral of Las Terrenas, center of the village.
A form of Welcome has he said but perhaps he also thought starting again an operation stopped during three months due to lack of resources.
With the reading of various Forums in Internet and the repeated visits to the office, it is confirmed that many residents are disappointed with the state of the beaches… Would it be the time to follow-up with this generous donation to prepare the village for the winter season ?
Fort Knox is waiting for you every day from 8h to 13h and from 16h to 20h in order to receive your gifts and to establish a durable action in favor of our environment and hygiene.
This is a request to all nationalities because we are all concerned with this immediate economic future which passes not only by the opening of the International airport (20 flights per week confirmed for this winter) but also by the defense of our attractive capital, this means the sand grains of our 15Km of beaches.
Thank you for your support.

Hervé BROUSSET, Limpieza Playa for
Las Terrenas Live

Samaná-Paris One-Way ticket at 280 € and Round Trip ticket at 550 €

At present, Bahia Tours proposes a one-way flight Samaná-Paris on the 30/11 for 280 € and round trips flights Samaná-Paris-Samaná departure on 30/11 with return on 7/12 or on 14/12 or on 21/12 for 550 €.

Contact(1) 809 240 6088

, Las Terrenas Live

Closing hours of the Bars and Restaurants

Thursday November 16th the Senate will definitively vote the hours of closing of the bars. In this occasion and with the aim of setting up an exemption for the storekeepers of Las Terrenas, José Alexis will organize a dialogue with the representatives of the bars, restaurants and the people affected by this decree.
The Mayor of Las Terrenas, been willing to go to the Capital to defend the cause of these persons in charge for establishments of the village, wants to give a progress report of the situation and counts on your participation.
José Alexis, during a night in the Syroz Bar 8 days ago, could realize by itself the quality of the customers and of the evenings which could be organized in Las Terrenas, and this evening, he obtained an overtime of festivities near the authorities arrived at midnight to apply the closing of the establishments.
Therefore, it is obvious that a good coordination of the persons in charge for these various establishments would be very favorable to the started step and to the principal persons concerned, without forgetting the future tourists and the local night birds.

Sylvain Maufrais
, Las Terrenas Live

Yesterday evening, Leonel Fernández made a speech to the country

Leonel Fernandez 2

Santo Domingo – Yesterday evening, President Leonel Fernández ensured that the project of the tax rectification will increase the base of the Tax on the Transfer of Industrialized Goods and Services (ITBIS), on some products that had been excluded from the tax reform last August.
Additionally, it will correct the taxes of alcoholic drinks and of tobacco. In the same way, it will allow the re-establishment of the selective taxes of five percent which, until the year 2000, applied for the use of the hotel rooms, the motels, apart-hotels and similar, and of the 10 percent which applied to the insurances services in general.
Leonel Fernández who spoke to the country through a channel of radio and television, emphasized on the fact that he would maintain until the end of 2009 the tax of 0,015 per thousand on the cheques and the money transfers.
In the same way, he explained the increase of one to two percent on the luxury residences taxes and the maintenance until 2009 of the rate of 30 percent established on the Tax on the hiring of the physical and legal people, and from 2010, to decrease it again until reaching 25 percent of the net taxable hiring.
The president said that the proposal of the tax rectification,which avoids affecting the poorest will concern the taxable people who had already agreed with the managers of the companies and the other sectors who participated in the dialogue celebrated in the Pontifica Universidad Católica Madre y Maestra, directed by its Pasteur, Monseigneur Agripino Núñez Collado.
Fernández explained that the adjustment, which is required to maintain the balance of the tax payments, is the 3 percent of the Gross Domestic Product, which represents an approximate amount of 35 thousand million of pesos.

Of this 35 thousand million of pesos, the half constitutes the 1.5 of the GDP, i.e. 17 thousand 500 millions of pesos, which will be useful for the tax rectification, and the other half will be used like a means to applicate an austerity policy on behalf of the Government.
He announced that among the measures that the Government will apply in the next Budget of Incomes and in the Law of Public Spending, one is to reduce in a drastic way the sum devoted to the salaries of the seasonal personnel, bonus, fees, food and expenses of the representation, services of telecommunications, internal and external travels.
He will also reduce the resources devoted to the transport and the storage, which include the passages and frets, of the material and provision, which include fuels and lubricants, the cleaning products, the offices and the medium transfers for the public and private institutions.
The President promised that the Government will reduce the expenses and will have more control on them to achieve the engagements assumed by the organizations like the International Monetary Fund.
He also explained that with the preparation of the Law of Public Spending, the transitory tax of 13 percent on 3200 products, among which drugs, meats, the fish, the milk, the rice, the cereals, the cheeses, the eggs, the vegetables, cocoas, canned foods, articles, paper, etc…was eliminated .
I am aware of the anxiety generated by the fiscal reform, of the fear that is increasing, the fears created, he said. The short speech, from his office of the Palacio Nacional, lasted almost half an hour. The presidential speech counted 14 pages and asked for the understanding of various sectors.

Nestor Medrano, Listin Digital, 15/11/06

Spectacles in the street in Las Terrenas from November 23rd November 27th

The artists of the Culture Ministry of Santo Domingo arrive in force to ensure the spectacle in the streets of Las Terrenas from November 23rd to November 27th. At the same time as the realization of the fresco of the cemetery wall with the co-operation of our local artists, the team of the Culture Ministry of the Capital will set up various workshops open to all the children of the village, who will have the choice between painting, the masks, the puppets, recycling and the theatre of which a part of the team of the Festival that is taking place at the moment in the Capital will come to join us. The Under-secretary Avelino Stanley and the coordinator Alta Gracia Fernandez represent the Ministry of the Culture. They will come to make a statement to the inhabitants of Las Terrenas on the national program of resettlement of the Carnivals in the villages of Dominican Republic from which we are part.
To conclude this splendid program, it is necessary to have a minimum of eight persons per community in order to represent in the best way the heterogeneity of our atypical village.
So, to have a beautiful festival and to prepare an exceptional and colorful Carnival, be numerous to take part !

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live

The population did not answer the call

Santo Domingo – The economic activities and the transport in Dominican Republic proceeded normally, in spite of the call on the strike in the transport public, which had been refused by the majority of the population.
The principal avenues of the National District, of the municipalities of Santo Domingo East and West, Santiago, as well as the principal communication roads of other Provinces which ensures the transport of the private vehicles was normal like one usual day.
In some sectors of the Capital and inside the country, an increase of the Police force patrols was observed, but until now, no incident was reported.
The Cardinal Nicolás de Jesús López Rodríguez as well as most of the transport organizations qualified this convocation as unfounded.
Considering that currently, the most important thing for the country is the work and that there are people who do not have the vocation of work.
It is not necessary to worsen the situation in these moments with a strike that will not solve anything, it will only bring negative consequences for the poorest and the needy ones, expressed the responsible persons of the Trade-union Autonomous Elitist Confederation, interviewed by the journalists on the announce of demonstration.

El Viajero Digital

Great Evening Savors of the World at Las Terrenas

Join us on Saturday November 25th at 20h in La Tortuga to discover the Savors of the World thanks to the kind participation of the cookers « Pat and Valou ».

Aperitifs/Starters: Guacamole, Tortilla, various Canapés, Empanadas. Dishes: Pig Colombo and white rice, marinated Asian Pig kebabs, Indian Chicken Curry and rice with spices, Thai Fish Curry with coconut milk, Moroccan Chicken kebabs marinated and semolina with spices, meat Bricks, roasted Chicken, Mixed Vegetables for all the dishes.

Dessert: Chocolate Brownies, Fruits kebabs.

Tariff Adults 550 pesos – Tariff child (5 to 12 years) 200 pesos

Your participation to this evening will help the Humanitarian Association Dominico Europea to regulate the transport of its drugs containers for the very poor.

Reservation to the Office-library of the Association every morning from 10h to 13h (1st floor of Casa Linda)

Tel… 809 240 50 73

The Humanitarian Dominico Europea Association

Mopeds for the municipal agents of Las Terrenas

Mopeds Las Terrenas

Now, the personnel of the Town hall is equipped with personal Mopeds to move from their home to their work place, sometimes far from several kilometers.
Because these municipal agents do not have the means for going down from the villages of the neighborhoods, the Town council vouched for the purchases of 17 Mopeds of 90 and 115 Cm3, on 60 months and without interests.
The Mopeds were distributed last week.

Editorial staff
, Las Terrenas Live

AIDS in the Caribbean


The thriving sex industry seems an important vector of the transmission of the AIDS in the Caribbean, where 250.000 people were infected, according to the report of the UNO. Almost the three-quarter of these people affected by the HIV live in Dominican Republic and in Haiti, but the prevalence of the virus in the adults is important in each area, except for Cuba. In 2006, 26.000 people were infected in the area and 19.000 patients died victims of the AIDS, which is one of the principal causes of mortality in the adults (15-44 years) in the Caribbean. The report underlines progress in the salutary combat against these epidemics and the consequences of a better access to the anti-retroviral treatment in the Bahamas, in the Barbados, in Cuba and in Jamaica. In the Caribbean, the essentially hetero sexual epidemics occur in the context of obvious inequalities and are pushed by a thriving sex industry, which serves as well the local customers as the foreigners, also indicates the report. In Haiti, the report detects that the use of the condom is increasing among the women professional of sex in Port-au-Prince, the impact of a greater mortality and the safety improvements of the blood transfusions can have contributed to improve the situation. However, the report of the UNO notes that there are signs that in Haiti the epidemic could become worse and indicates as particularly vulnerable the poor women of the countryside. In Dominican Republic, the transmission of the HIV mainly takes place between the sex professionals and their customers. The sexual tourism has an increasing importance in the country, where the local men continue to constitute the pillar of the national sex industry, according to the report.

Listin Diario, 21/11/2006

Last version of the tax reform on standby

Wait on the final version of the tax reform, which was given to the President Leonel Fernandez in order to review it and to decide on all the last minute changes before sending it to the congress for approval.
The Minister of the Finance Vicente Bengoa said to the daily newspaper “Hoy” that the project which was given to the president does not include any substantial change. Bengoa added that the team working on the project removed the tax of 10% on the insurance and replaced it by the simple ITBIS tax of 16%. Bengoa indicates that the butter, the chocolate, the yoghourt and 400 other food articles are on the list for the ITBIS tax of 16%, but that the president will give the final word to impose or not these articles. The imposition on the family’s basic goods caused strong criticisms on behalf of national and international officials. The United Nations represented in the country by Nicky Fabiancic claimed the equality by requiring that the difference between the riches and the poorest does not continue to develop.

Hoy Digital, 22/11/06

November 24th, 25th and 26th Culture in Las Terrenas

The Town hall of Las Terrenas, the Department of the Culture and the Ministry of the Culture are pleased to invite the children, young people and teenagers, as well as the public in general, to take part in the artistic and cultural workshops days with Painting, Recycling, Puppets, Carnival Masks, Kites and Theatre.
These workshops will be installed in the « Multiuso » (Sports Hall or Play), on Friday 24th , Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th of this month, from 9h to 12h and from 14h to 17h.
The children who wish to participate must be 10 years old.
We count on your participation, the workshops are free.

Ybelises De León Bencosme, Vice Sindica Municipal

The union makes the force

What a beautiful idea…..JUNTOS PODEMOS… slogan of the C.E.L.T and the Town council joined together.
The alliance with the service of the development, the mix of the facts and the ideas.
Knowledge of ones, material of others implemented for the good of the village.

Concerning the maintenance of the littoral, Limpieza Playa and the Town council will work together:
Trucks and men of JOSE ALEXIS for the daily emptying of the tanks on the beach, LOS PLAYEROS for the maintenance of the sand grains…..EFFICIENCY, ECONOMY for the satisfaction of everybody.

To make this idea functioning in the long term, we count on your monthly participation.

Give little… 50/100 pesos but be regular and numerous through all the communities which represent LAS TERRENAS…. Tierra de Sol y Esperanza.

Thank you for your support.

Hervé BROUSSET, siempre a la orden


It is of the highest importance that the builders and the private individuals verify in a formal way that at the time of contracting removals of waste, that their subcontractor has in his ownership the licenses which allow the unloading in the Municipal enclosure.
Indeed, it is of your legal, even penal responsibility, to make sure of it.
Thank you for the good of everybody.

Ayuntamientoof Las Terrenas

The road of Sánchez

The C.E.L.T. is going to participate soon in a meeting with the Ministry of the Public Work about the budget regarding the repair of the road of Sanchez.


First scheduled flights to El Catey

A LTU flight from Dusseldorf, Germany became the inaugural flight of El Catey International Airport at Samana (AZS) when it arrived on Monday, 6 November at 7 :10 pm. Condor has scheduled flight No. DE2248 departing from Frankfurt International scheduled to arrive on Tuesday, 7 November at 8:05pm. The first return Condor flight to Frankfurt, DE2249, is scheduled to depart at 8:55pm.

Air Transat is scheduled to fly once a week every Sunday from Toronto to Samana, starting 24 December through 29 April 2007. The airline has also scheduled once-weekly flights from Montreal to Samana. Skyservice and Sunwing will also be flying from several cities in Canada.

El Catey International Airport is less than half an hour drive from Samana city and it is the first time major jets will be able to land less than a four hour drive away.

A US $70 million private investment by Aerodom that also operates Las Americas International Airport (SDQ) and Gregorio Luperon International Airport (POP), the new airport will primarily serve the northeastern population and resort destinations of the country. It is especially attractive to tourists headed to Playa Grande, Rio San Juan, and Cabrera, and the Las Terrenas, Samana city and Las Galeras areas of Samana.



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