A new art gallery to open soon in Las Terrenas

The cultural space should open in October

A new art gallery will open in the fall. Paulette Née and her husband Jean-Claude had this dream since they moved to Las Terrenas five years ago. The gallery will be located in Carmen street, and should open its doors in October 2013.

“It is about one hundred square meters and has a second floor. This space will allow us to expose the works of Paulette but also temporary exhibitions of different artists”, said Jean-Claude.

The couple already had an art gallery in France. “We needed to do this, we just can’t keep doing nothing”.

While we wait for the art gallery to open, you can see the works of Paulette Née at Las Casas de Doumé from Monday through Friday, from 10 am to 12 pm and from 3 pm to 7 pm Information at 809 240 6152.

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