The Mango

All About the Mango

Description, nutritional benefits and cosmetic virtues of the Mango

The mango tree comes from South Asia; its foliage is dense and dark-green. It’s in the mean 15 meters height and gives one hundred of fruits per year. It was introduced in Africa, then in South America, around century XVI. Today, it’s cultivated in tropical regions for its fruit.

More than 1000 varieties of mango exist but only around ten of them are commercialized (between them the Amélie, the Kent, the Keitt and the Tommy Atkins).

The mango is one of the richest fruit in carotene or A pro vitamin (3 mg/100 g), that later transforms itself in A vitamin in bowel. This ratio grows with the fruit maturation degree.

It’s also rich in C vitamin: 44 mg/100g that is a ratio comparable to the citrus fruits (orange, grapefruit). Contrarily to what happens for the A pro vitamin, the C vitamin ratio decrease when the fruit ripens.

Rich in anti-oxidant vitamins and in fibers, the mango is part of the vegetables recommended in the alimentation. Its preventive actions fights efficiently the premature cellular aging provoked by some cancers and atherosclerosis.

If consumed well ripe, this fruit is delicious and tolerated by all the organisms, even the ones which digestive system is delicate.

The mango butter is rich in fatty acids, benefit for the hair :

They sheath the hair,

Hydrate and protect it,

Repair damaged hair,
They contribute to establish a protector cap, composed by water and lipids, that covers the hair,

They nourish the hair root and the scalp.

Thanks to its deep action, the mango butter makes your hair live again, they recover shine and softness

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