Ferrari F430 Scuderia

Lamborghini made his Gallardo Superleggera ? Ferrari adopts the same process for its F430. Result, a rising power, weight reduced, and performance even more exceptional. Mamma Mia !

Light is right !

As a sort of knighthood, this diabolical F430 receives the name Scuderia. A patronymic deserved given the specifics of this rossa. Compared to the series model, it removes 100 kg (1,250 kg total) while his V8 4.3 passes for his 490 to 510 ch. Either a weight / power of 2.45 kg / hp !, enough to take the best of its rival Sant’Agata (2.51 kg / PS). Just to be a little closer over the world of F1, it also inherits the latest high-tech equipment developed by the Cavallino Rampante. Starting with a box allowing robotic passages reports even faster (less than 60 milliseconds !), A differential electronic E-Diff and the control of a F1-Trac traction

A patron named Schumi…

Recognizable to a GP gray stripes that extend along the length of her dress, the F430 Scuderia should be souring its (happy) owners with performances increasingly exceptional. Ferrari household still outstanding on this issue but given the claims of the model in the series, we can already expect a V-Max at least 320 km/h and less than 4s to go from 0 to 100 km/h. But of course, all these improvements should not, unfortunately, be without some impact on the rate plan, still pending. Finally, the F430 Scuderia had to have a sponsor at the height, and it’s Michael Schumacher who was unveiled at the Frankfurt Fair.

Jean-Philippe Jourdan for

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