Tourism boom in the DR triggers demand for agricultural products

Given the constant advance of tourism, the expansion of export markets and local consumption, the Dominican Republic faces the challenge and opportunity to improve and double its agricultural production to meet internal and external needs.

Economist Henry Henbrand stated that, in order to achieve this objective, investments must be made in technology, financing and climate change resilience programs.

He pointed out that climate phenomena, such as drought and excess rainfall, not only affect food inflation, but also represent a constant challenge for the stability of the agricultural sector.

During the ECONOMICM 2024 forum, Henbrand stressed that the projected growth in the tourism sector will depend to a large extent on the capacity of the Dominican countryside to satisfy the growing demand for food and beverages.

For this reason, he insisted that any new economic strategy must consider agriculture as an essential component to combat poverty and improve public health through increased food production at affordable prices, according to El Dinero.

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