Software Legalization Campaign

The Business Software Alliance (BSA) informed on the day before yesterday that the campaign do not take any risk within your company by using pirate software currently offers advices to the companies as regards of software legalization or computer programs and extends this awakening to all the companies of the country. ?id=52353

El Nuevo Diario, 01.04.07

The road El Catey – Las Terrenas partly underground

After a first layout not very conclusive carried out by a bulldozer in the lomas, the Public Works Ministry and the Environment Department estimated that an underground tunnel would be better adapted, less expensive and more ecological. Indeed, the very hilly ground would not allow the passage of the buses and the trucks, and it would be necessary to withdraw several million cubic meters of rocks and of ground to reduce the slopes of this future direct road El Catey – Las Terrenas.

This solution would be an ecological catastrophe for the area specified Miguel de la Cruz, Environment Engineer of Santo Domingo.

The Public Works Minister, Freddy Pérez, informed that several drilling companies had been contacted for a first estimate, among them a French company, the Foratec, which partly produced the Subway of Toulouse.
The Toulouse Engineering and Design department provided the model of a 4,4 km length tunnel, on which one sees the two air vents for the evacuation of vehicles exhaust gases.
According to the drilling carried out, the tunnel will be bored in a layer of more compact rocks than the caliche too friable to allow this type of works.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live,01.04.07

Holy Week in Las Terrenas

This Sunday, the Christian population of Dominican Republic starts to celebrate the religious Ceremony of the Holy Week.
It is also the sign in Las Terrenas of the arrival of the Dominicans from the Capital, for one very prolonged festive weekend, as it will begin on Wednesday.
The hotels are already full at 95% and like every year, music and “fiestas” will be present on the beaches.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 01.04.07

Back to the free closing hours

For the Holy Week, the authorities cancel the restriction of the closing hours of the public places.
So, from Wednesday, April 4th in the evening to next Sunday, you will be able to enjoy the festivities until the dawn if you want.

But, this festive period having already suffered from road accidents, we recommend being very prudent on the roads.

Ayuntamientoof Las Terrenas, 03.04.07


From today, Tuesday, April 3rd, the one way (as indicated on the map) will have to be absolutely respected. Any contravener caught in the wrong way will be immediately taken to the police station, will be charged of a fine of 200 Pesos and his vehicle will be confiscated.

It is clear that these measures are taken in the interest of everybody, not only for security reasons, but also for a better fluidity of the double way traffic in the portion of the Main Street which is going from the Bridge to the Cemetery.

Ayuntamientoof Las Terrenas, 03.04.07

Semana Santa…..Limpia with Limpieza Playa 07

Limpieza Playa

Everything is ready… 6 employees from Playa Popi to Playa Las Ballenas… for the whole week…
The main activity will be to follow the hot point on a daily basis… PLAYA POPI.
A new sign was put in the entry of the site to incite the visitors to use the beach bins.


Hervé BROUSSET, 04.04.07

The Dominican Embassy in France helps Dominicans

The Dominican embassy in France gave assistance to a group of 31 Creoles saved in the Aegean Sea, in front of the Santorin Island in Greece, when the cruiser in which they were travelling struck rocks before sinking.
The Dominicans who belonged to the group of the 1,600 tourists of the Sea Diamond were assisted by the excursion organizers from Greece to Paris, where they were then helped by the Ambassador Guillermo Piña, who offered all the services for their return to the Dominican Republic. The Dominicans did not suffer from the damages, and some of them chose to remain a few days in Paris.

Diario Libre, 08.04.07

Holy weekend, once again a successful holiday

After the Carnival of last month which had joined together all the communities of Las Terrenas in a cordial and memorable atmosphere, the Holy Week did not miss its appointment on the Punta Popy beach.

No incident was reported and the Mayor of Las Terrenas is congratulating for the perfect coordination of all the services in place for this occasion.

Ayuntamientoof Las Terrenas, 10.04.07

Continuation of the one way

Another success was the one way set up by the authorities on the occasion of the Holy Week.
This is why this obligation will remain definitively in place as from today Tuesday, with in addition the no parking area on the portion which goes from the cemetery to the Police Station.

Ayuntamientoof Las Terrenas, 10.04.07

National campaign against the dengue

Yesterday, the Public Health Minister, Bautista Rojas Gómez, announced that as from the third week of this month the national campaign against the dengue will start, this concerning 7 million people.
This operation will take place every year, the purpose being to reduce this year to 7000 the number of people affected by the dengue and to decrease the deaths by a third compared to last year.
In Santo Domingo, the most vulnerable people are those who live in the municipalities of Northern, Eastern and Western Santo Domingo, as well as in San Cristóbal, Baní, San Pedro de Macorís, San Francisco de Macorís, La Vega, Moca, Santiago, Bonao and Villa Altagracia.

Diario Libre, 08.04.07

For a better communication

Following several complaints, we inform all the users of old Verizon email addresses to check their Codetel addresses change (for example: becomes ) because the redirection of the addresses is not made automatically by Codetel and no message will warn you of the no sending of your mail with the old Verizon address.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 11.04.07

Pregnant teenagers excluded from the public schools

Pregnant children are excluded from the schools, rejected by the families and some of them die because of their pregnancy, informed yesterday the Childhood, Adolescence and Family barrister, Marisol Tobal.
Considering the case very worrying and according to her, the State is lacking of a policy on these problems We have problems because these young pregnant girls are expelled from the schools, fact prohibited by the law 136-03, and are rejected by the families, explained Marisol Tobal. ?id=9054

Listin Diario Digital, 10.04.07

Semana Santa 2007… BUSINESS and ECOLOGY get on well together

Plage Las Terrenas

A big success for the entire village will be the echo of this annual festive week !
Very beautiful holidays from POPI to COSON, a lot of visitors from all the country and consequently good businesses for the storekeepers.
LIMPIEZA PLAYA 07 cleaned the littoral in one week and thanks to you, we will continue this fight for the respect and the beauty of our surroundings.
Thank you for your support and your regular participation with your grants in the FORT KNOX office.

Hervé Brousset, 12.04.07

Wi-Fi in the Town hall

At the same time as the opening of the C.E.L.T office (Casa de los Extranjeros de Las Terrenas) in the Town hall, a Wi-Fi network was installed in order to modernize the welcome conditions of its visitors.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 11.04.07

Homicides are down 33%

Police Nationale Las Terrenas

Headed by President Leonel Fernandez, the National Council of Citizen Safety met yesterday at the Presidential Palace to announce the progress of the Safe Barrio programs. One of the first reports stated that homicides are down by 33% in the first quarter versus the same period last year. When Attorney General Radhames Jimenez left the meeting alongside the minister of the Interior and of the Police, Franklin Almeyda, they told reporters that an examination of the anti-crime measures had shown a positive impact on the barrios though stability and progress. The heads of the Armed Forces, the National Drug Control Department, the Police and the National Investigations Office were also present at the meeting. Overall, the attendees seemed to exude confidence that things were getting better. The Attorney General said, I think that we are seeing great successes.

DR1, 12.04.07

It had to be said

As several people made me this positive comment concerning the Holy Week organization and preparation, I had, on their behalf, to communicate it:
– for the supported presence of the Police force which ensured its security work,
– for the installation of the one way,
– for having chosen the site of Punta Popi and not the roadside for the stands,
– for having painted the« speed bumps» $varand fill the hole in front of the Cotora Azul, in Calle Carmen, before the Holy Week,

Cheer and thank you, Mister Mayor !

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, LTL, 12.04.07

Welcome, Leila


Congratulations to the happy mom and the happy dad, a big kiss to the little Leila.

Everyone who joins me, 12.04.07



Negotiations for a high technology hospital

Las Terrenas has the privilege to enter into negotiations for the construction of a high technology hospital thanks to a French Foundation made up of physicians.
It seems possible that our city obtains a hospital which would be necessary for the country development regarding the medical protection and agreements between the Government and the foundation should quickly lead to an opening during the year 2008.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, LTL, 13.04.07

Tourist zones exempt from closing hours

Confirmation of the Town council that the tourist zones will be exempt from the closing hours, but it is necessary to wait for the Decree promulgation.
We can greet the interventions of the restaurants keepers who, we wish it, are meeting with the aim of an Association.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, LTL, 13.04.07


First baskets of the Basketball Championship yesterday evening

The Inter-school Basketball Championship organized by Ismael started yesterday evening at 08:00 p.m in the Multiuso of Las Terrenas. The matches will be also disputed today and Saturday evening at the same time, to continue the 2 following weekends.

We recommend going to discover these young amazing players, arbitrated by professionals and with a good rhythmic music.

Bar to serve you and nice atmosphere guaranteed !

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, LTL, 13.04.07

After the rain…

Meteo Las Terrenas

27ºC in the shade, a light breeze, a blue sky, be careful of the first sunburns because this good weather will last several days.

Nice weekend to everybody, without forgetting the sun lotion…

The Frog, 13.04.07

420,000 US $ seized by the Dominican customs

The General Customs Office (DGA) seized 420,006 US $ that two North-American citizens coming from Puerto Rico intented to enter in the country.

The two people transported the money hidden in their bags on board of the ferry; reason why they were took in for questioning.

Diario Libre, 13.04.07

Very important meeting

The Alianza de Empresas de Servicios Turísticos Inc, of Samaná is pleased to invite you to the meeting which will take place in the Multiuso of Las Terrenas on April 20th at 9:30 AM.
The purpose of this meeting will be a clarification on the works levels realized these last months and a presentation of the priorities for the short and medium-term development, such as for example the security, the strategic tourist plan, the promotion and communication plan, the priority works and infrastructures and a lot of other important topics.
The main authorities of the Police force, the Politur, the Governor, the Mayor, the Trade Unions and important personalities will assist, enabling us to exchange our ideas in relation with the future of our village.

José Oscar ORSINI, 14.04.07

Opening of a data processing center for blind persons

SANTIAGO. – The persons of the province of Santiago and of all the Cibao with a visual handicap will be able to use computers thanks to a modern technological platform equipped with software or with special programs and ear-phones, which were installed after an agreement between the Dominican Institute of Telecommunications (Indotel) and the senatorial Office of Santiago. The agreement was signed by the Junior Minister and the President of Indotel, Doctor José Rafaël Vargas, the Senator of the province of Santiago, the lawyer Francisco Domínguez Brito, during an event celebrated on the second floor of the building of Inposdom.

El Nuevo Diario, 15.04.07

Asonahores presents its new tourism guide

The Hotels and Restaurants National Association (Asonahores) presented the ninth edition of its tourist guide « Dominican Republic Vacation Planner », for its distribution in the international tourism fairs and in the events in which this organization, the Council of Tourist Promotion and the SET take part.

Luís Lopez, Asonahores President, informed that this guide will be distributed in the Tourist Promotion offices that are outside of the national territory (in New York, in Miami, Chicago, Puerto Rico, in Toronto, in Montreal, in Germany, Italy, England, France, Spain, Belgium, Sweden, Argentina, Colombia, Venezuela and in Chile).

The new edition of this excursions guide was presented in the Dominican annual tourism exchange, celebrated from April 12th to April 14th, in the Barceló Bávaro Convention Center.

The review is published in 120.000 copies which are distributed in English (90.000), Spanish (15.000) and in French (15.0000).

Diario Libre, 16.04.07

Fernandez surpasses other candidates for the Presidency of the Republic

President Republique Dominicaine

Between the politicians from various parties who fight for the presidential candidature, Doctor Leonel Fernández is the one who enjoys the greater acceptance on behalf of the voters to hold the Presidency of the Republic over the period 2008-2012, in accordance with the last results of the Gallup-HOY survey.
The following question was asked to the questioned people: Who would you like to have as next President of the Dominican Republic over the period 2008-2012 ?.
The electors answered as follows: Leonel Fernández (40.7%), Danilo Medina (6.3%), José Tomás Pérez (1.3%), Miguel Vargas Maldonado (20.6%), Amable Aristy Castro (5.8%), Eduardo Estrella (7.9%), Luis Toral (0.2%) y Pedro de Jesús Candelier (2.2%).

Hoy Digital, 17.04.07

Today the Public Health starts the day against the dengue fever

The Public Health Secretariat will initiate today at the Panama school of Ensanche Ozama, the strategy named the « D-Day » which determines the national mobilization against the dengue fever in order that the Dominican families are prepared with preventive works. The day includes detection actions and an elimination of mosquitoes Aedes aegypti breeding that transmits the disease.

(Photo Bautista Rojas Gómez, Public Health Secretary)

Listin Diario, 17.04.07

The National Council will create an auxiliary Police force and will make the measures more flexible

Police Auxiliaire

The National Council of Democratic Security ensured yesterday that the Program « Barrio Seguro » reveals highly reassuring results and announced the creation of an auxiliary Police force and the application of a plan to make flexible the sale hours of alcoholic drinks in three tourist points.
During the first quarter of the year, in 16 of 26 districts taking part of the « Barrio Seguro » program , there were no homicides and the rate of violent deaths went down to 17.3%, whereas during the year 2006 the rate was of 20.3% and of 21.6% in 2005. This was communicated by the Interior and Police force secretary, Franklín Almeyda, who revealed that the number of homicides in relation with criminal acts was of 169 and that the number of those produced because of violence generated between friends, parents or family was of 329.
Accompanied by the General Attorney Radhamés Jiménez and by the National police force head, Bernardo Santana Páez, the civil employee informed of the starting as from April, of the training of an auxiliary police officers corps, which will be composed of 2.400 young people. He explained that its function will be to carry out administrative tasks, traffic control or patrol in low risks zones in exchange of an economic support. The creation of the corps was approved by the Democratic Security Council, and by the Police Superior Council.
Almeyda denied that the measures restricting the hours for the alcohol sale has affected the arrival of tourists in the country; however, he admitted that in Las Terrenas, Cabarete and in Boca Chica, the flexibility of the closing hours is under consideration because in those places, an opened tourism is developed, which is not only limited to the entertainment in the resorts. ?id=102534

By Kleiner López, Diario Libre, 16.04.07

Avelino Stanley publishes « The Harassed Skin »

The writer Avelino Stanley is publishing a new collection of ten stories in which he crudely tells the relationship full of clashes between the Dominican Republic and the neighboring Republic of Haiti.
The story that is giving the title to the work, « The Harassed Skin », is the play which obtained the City of Viareggio Prize in 2005 in Italy. As much in this story as in the others, the life of the Haitian immigrants in the sugar workers villages and the unfair manner how the deportations from the Dominican territory are made towards Haiti is described. The stories of the book are created on the different faith forms that are practiced by the people in the Greater Antilles of the Caribbean.
The book « The Harassed Skin » was presented in the Cuesta del Libro center by the writer Ligia Minaya who valued positively its quality. In the short story and novel type, Avelino Stanley has published about ten books. He obtained the National Novel Prize in 1997, rewarding him for his work « Tiempo Muerto », the « Sin Fronteras » prize in Madrid, Spain, granted by the Asociación Mundial de Educación Especial for the novel X, in 2001; and the City of Viareggio Prize, Italy, rewarded him for the story « Harassed Skin ».

El Nuevo Diario, 17.04.07

Tricom announces free calls

Tricom, the Dominican Telecommunications company, made a meeting in the Anacaona Hall of the Jaragua Hotel, in order to present its offer « Free Nights and Week Ends », for all its mobile clients with Pospago, Cellflex and Prepago plans.
The activity was headed by Mr. Marco Cabral, Mobile Unities and Northern Zone Vice-president, who emphasized in his speech that From its beginnings, Tricom has been characterized as a pioneering and enterprising company; we have always marked the difference in innovating with unique offers in favor of our customers and by breaking norms in the telecommunications sector.
He said, our Company has made numerous investments during the last years to develop the network of mobile phones that allow us to offer a bigger coverage and a better signal, thanks to the exclusive CDMA Digital Network of 800 MHZ.
He emphasized that as a result of this investment and with the objective to have different proposal to offer to the customers, Tricom announces its new strategic plan « Free Nights and Week Ends ».
This offer is unique in the telecommunications sector and allows the clients to speak free, from a Tricom mobile service to any Tricom number, mobile, residential and/or business, from Monday to Thursday from 9:00 p.m. to 7:59 a.m. and during the week ends starting from Friday at 9:00 p.m. to Monday at 7:59 a.m.
Mr. Vladimir Leon, Trade and Mobile Development Unit Manager, explained that Tricom is the only telecommunications company in the country providing offers representing a saving of money for its clients.

El Viajero Digital, 18.04.07

The main tourist zones of the country will receive investments for more than 250 millions US $

The principal tourist zones of the country will receive investments of more than 250 millions US $ during the two next years for the construction of roads, for the development of beaches and of hotels surroundings, as well as for the creation of a coastal road which will link the Western and the Northern coasts. This was communicated by the Tourism Secretary, Felix Jiménez, who explained that the investment, which is of 8.375 million Pesos, will be used for maintaining the sustained development of the sector in Dominican Republic, thus offering a service of a greater quality.
Among the works that will benefit to the Eastern of the country, the Tourism Secretary mentioned the Marginal-Higüey – La Otra Banda road, which will move closer this pole to La Romana with a journey of 1 hour and 15 minutes.
He underlined that the construction of the tourist lane of Baváro, which will continue towards Macao to Sabana de la Mar, where the port will be renovated in order to create a ferry way, will link the Western and Northern coasts of the country. Jiménez expressed his desire to link Puerto Plata to Maimón, La Isabela and to Montecristi through a way. Among the beaches which will be renovated there will be those of Najayo, of Palenque and of Barahona.

Listin Diario Digital, 18.04.07

Tomorrow Thursday, a pediatric medical operation

After the success of the last Opérativo in Come Pan, tomorrow Thursday April 19th, in Los Puentes-Najanrito, the Town hall, the Public Health and the Dominico Europea Association joined together organize a medical pediatric Opérativo.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, LTL, 18.04.07

Priority to the textile in the Free Zones

Yesterday, the Chamber of Deputies transformed into law the project which declares of high priority the sectors belonging to the textile industry, the clothes industry, the accessories, the shoes and leather manufactures and a rate zero for the production factors and the raw materials.

Moreover, it creates a regulating mode for industries of this sector which operate inside and outside of the free zones.

Diario Libre, 19.04.07

Latin Music Presidente Festival will not take place this year for economic reasons

The Dominican National Brewery announced last Tuesday that the Presidente Festival of Latin Music taking place every two years and where are meeting the best Spanish-American artists in the country, will be cancelled for the year 2007.

The decision is due to the reduction of the beer market in the country, which in the first quarter is already of more than 20% compared to the same period last year and of 30% compared to what it had been foreseen for 2007, which obliged the company to revalue all its activities and compromises.

El Nuevo Diario, 19.04.07

Don’t forget tomorrow Friday April 20th at 9:30 a.m

The Alianza de Empresas de Servicios Turísticos Inc, of Samaná is pleased to invite you to the meeting which will take place in the Multiuso of Las Terrenas on April 20th at 9:30 AM.
The purpose of this meeting will be a clarification on the works levels realized these last months and a presentation of the priorities for the short and medium-term development, such as for example the security, the strategic tourist plan, the promotion and communication plan, the priority works and infrastructures and a lot of other important topics.
The main authorities of the Police force, the Politur, the Governor, the Mayor, the Trade Unions and important personalities will assist, enabling us to exchange our ideas in relation with the future of our village.

José Oscar ORSINI, 19.04.07

Amable Aristy Castro promises a human and transparent government

The presidential candidate of the Christian Social Reformist Party (PRSC), Amable Aristy Castro, promised to the country that he will make a human, modern and transparent government from 2008, and that he will give the priority to the health, the education, the employment, the feeding, the housing and the citizens security.
He said that he also would like to offer a permanent protection to the environment, to the childhood and to the tourism, to solve the electricity crisis, to establish a firm migratory policy, to support the national producers and to get the free zones back.
It is necessary that we returned to the power, in order to offer to the country a firm government, with authority and respect for the law, which is concerned by the poor and which does not hesitate when it is matter of national interest, he said.

Amable Aristy Castro affirmed that he is convinced that he will triumph in this new challenge which he assumed, in order to open the doors of the National Palace not only to the reformists, but to the whole Dominican people, as shown by the president Joaquin Balaguer.

El Viajero Digital, 20.04.07

The importers will pay their customs taxes in Banreservas

From May 1st the importers will be able to carry out the payments of customs taxes by electronic way, what will facilitate and accelerate the operations of clearing the goods through customs.
This innovation, with which Aduanas wants to modernize and makes more effective the tasks of the users, was obtained through an agreement signed this Thursday by the Customs General Manager, Miguel Cocco and the administrator of Banco de Reservas, Daniel Toribio, during a meeting in the Customs Conferences Room.
Cocco explained that with the convention, thousands of importers will benefit from it and will be able to pay their taxes in any Banco de Reservas counter, everywhere in the country, as well as from their office by using the Internet Banking.

El Viajero Digital, 20.04.07

Plastic recycling is transformed into business « for surviving »

Santo Domingo – recycling, as activity, was recognized as one of the most viable solutions to handle waste and refuse which are daily produced in the cities.
It is also an ally in the fight to preserve the environment health, by reducing the exploitation of the natural resources and by avoiding that materials which are not biodegradable cause the pollution process.

The old garbage can, the disposable cutlery, the linen basket, the swaddling clothes, the bottle stoppers, the used battery, finally, any plastic article which can be reintegrated on the market and can be restored, in the shape of another object which one needs.

Listin Diario, 20.04.07

Convocation General Meeting this Monday April 23rd

Convocation General meeting: The annual General Meeting of the Humanitarian Dominico Europea Association will take place this Monday April 23rd at 14h, in the HOTEL KARI BEACH (ex Kanesh).

– Presentation of Mr. Serge Rousset by the office of the Association at the post of President.
– Election of the President by the present members, any other candidature for this post must be presented to the Secretary Mrs. Dominique Jouan and to the outgoing President Mr. Jean Bernard Barrié as soon as possible.
– Assessment of the passed actions by Mr. Jean Bernard Barrié.
– Presentation of the future actions by Mr. Bernard Piriou and Mr. Serge Rousset.

All the members, friends and… persons who are curious are invited to join us on April 23rd in the Kari Beach at 2 p.m..

The tasks are numerous: distribution of drugs and medical material, sale of clothing and hiring of books in aid of the Association, organization of containers from France, support for the very poor schools… Do not hesitate any more ! Come to join us and take part in the COMMUNITY LIFE OF YOUR ADOPTED VILLAGE…

Dominique Jouan, 22.04.07

The stores and restaurants keepers of Las Terrenas under the wing of Orsini Bosch

Orsini Bosch Las Terrenas

160 stores and restaurants keepers, taking all the communities together, came on last Friday to attend the meeting organized by Oscar Orsini Bosch, President of the Alianza de Empresas de Servicios Turisticos de Samaná, of which the purpose was the development of the works realized during the last months and a presentation of the priorities for the development plan of the zone in the short and medium term.
Were also present:

– General Fernando Tapia Stahelin, President of the Grupo Z, Colombian ex professional soldier who came to propose his Security Town System to the Municipality of Las Terrenas and whose first cost is about 54.000 US $ for a three month period. A possibility to extend its service could be possible until about two years, this including a selection of local staff, who would be integrated into the Grupo Z, using a lie detector as well as closed video electronic circuits and access controls,

  • Dr Juan Llado, of the Tourism Development,
  • Lic. Quiterio Cedeño, Public Relations and Communications,
  • Lic. Milly Pérez, functioning and follow-up of the Alianza works,
  • Lic. Luis Simó, Tourism Under Secretary,
  • Architect Alcides Calderón, Committee Development of Samaná,
  • Dra Elsa de León, Province of Samaná Governor,
  • José Alexis, Mayor of Las Terrenas,
  • Pedro Anderson, Environment,
  • Dra Maria de Anderson, Fiscalizadora of Las Terrenas,
  • Lic. Juan Medina, Assistant Fiscal of the Police force of Las Terrenas,
  • Lieutenant Colonel Everaldo Brea of the Police force of Las Terrenas,
  • Major Abraham Méndez of Politur of Las Terrenas,
  • Professeur Maria de Jesús, Las Terrenas Public School Director,
  • Lic. Mary Drullard, Woman Secretary’s Office,
  • Lic. Julio Cordero, Grupo Z,
  • Lic. Luis José Chávez, CICOM,
  • Lic. Braulio Vásquez, Tourism of Las Terrenas,
  • Gérard Prystasz, Consul of France and Vice President of the Alianza.

The principal actors exposed their point of view on the absolute need for formulating priorities in a development plan, in actions and in establishments, taking into account the explosion of the tourist and real sector of the Peninsula of Samaná.
It would be a question of reinforcing the Institutions, in particular the Police force and the soldiers, by applying a strategic plan using a leader group of about thirty people, all representing the Community, and of realizing workshops, work programs so that the activity sectors and the individuals work in the same way. This methodology and its control were already carried out by the C.E.P.S.E in a development plan during last year and could be used as guide.

Luis Chávez explained the importance of the articulation efforts in order to face the numerous problems, stressing that only a communication program for the development, based over 24 months, in order to position the area as a different tourist pole, would allow an improvement of the infrastructure and to manage the growth of the complementary offer.
Las Terrenas would then be recognized as a multicultural and multiethnic society, including the existence of a quality of life and of varied culinary tastes meriting a nationally renowned day life, but also a night life as it was the case until August 2006, date of the new Decree on the alcohol sale implementation.
Several articles of the national press of these last weeks, in particular that of Diario Libre of the 16.04.07 and more recently of Nuevo Diario of the 19.04.07 concerning the cancellation of the Presidente Festival, highlighted the need « to make the sale hours of alcoholic drinks more flexible in three tourist points » $var, of which Las Terrenas, but also the losses of a local leader not being able to sponsor this year one of the biggest Festival of Latin music.
Luis Simó, Under Secretary of Tourism, closed this meeting by expressing his wish to create a working group, explaining that all the actors present today agreed on the fact that Las Terrenas needs a development plan and stressing that this development could not exist without the participation of the Community.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, LTL, 23.04.07

Fishing was good this year

Poisson Avril

It seems that the questions continue their way in the village and somewhere else in the World because the questions arrive regularly on the website and at the ears of some.
This is why I have to announce that the article concerning the Tunnel Las Terrenas-El Catey was published on April 1st…
I’m sorry, I promise that I shall make it again next year.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, LTL, 24.04.07

Vargas Maldonado will make consultations for the program of the PRD

The presidential candidate of the Dominican Revolutionary Party, engineer Miguel Vargas Maldonado, will start a series of consultations with the various sectors of the society and will ask for the opinions of the popular and community groups to use his conclusions in the government development program for the elections of the next year.

Our presidential candidate will start a tour in all the country where he will listen to the population and will propose a series of meetings with the various sectors of the Dominican society to listen to its concerns and its recommendations in relation to the most urgent matters that the country will face” revealed the coordinator of the election campaign of Vargas Maldonado in the provinces of the Southern region, the PRD deputy and vice-president, Henry Sarraff.

El Nuevo Diario, 24.04.07

Hoy DIGITAL and Diario DIGITAL relays information concerning Las Terrenas

The meeting which took place on last Friday concerning the program of development defended by the Alianza de Empresas de Servicios Turísticos Inc. of Samaná, the Tourism Secretariat, the Provincial Government and the Town council of Las Terrenas was followed yesterday by the national press, Hoy DIGITAL and Diario DIGITAL of Dominican Republic.

You can find these articles with the following links:,15384, html ?id=19640##

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, LTL24.04.07

In Mao, beginning of the construction of medical offices for people suffering from AIDS

Mao – the Presidential Council of AIDS started, for a cost of seven million pesos, the construction of medical offices, on the Regional Hospital Luis L Bogaert lands. The construction will consist of several offices, stocks of drugs, stores and other sectors which will make possible to pay a better attention to the persons suffering from this disease.
Currently, in the province of Valverde there is no sector for the patients suffering from AIDS, this is why Doctor Carlos Chevalier, director of the hospital, stressed the importance of this construction for the AIDS patients.

El Nuevo Diario, 26.04.07

Leonel Fernandez says why the press is loosing independence

Leonel Fernandez 4

Yesterday, President Leonel Fernández said that in spite of the democracy progresses, the reality is that the press is every time less independent because of a universal tendency to concentrate the means of communication property in the hands of the same families, which are bound or which have a close connection with the economic power.
He said that it is a situation which produces dislikes and dissensions that are politically expressed through the social protest, or through the strikes or the unemployment, and he announced that the means of communication play a key role because they stimulate these actions or they can express them, but at the same time they can establish reticence about these concerns.

Hoy Digital, 26.04.07

Calle del Hospital works

From one month, the works for pipes started again in the Hospital street with the installation of the flow tubes in the middle of the way and at the drainage points towards the water treatment plant.
If the traffic was still possible few days ago, we advise you that from now on you will have to go the Elegancia street to reach the Hospital or to the Cosón road to reach the French school.
Thank you for your understanding.

Ayuntamientoof Las Terrenas, 26.04.07

Cinema interlude

Without claiming to be able to be a film critic, I shall sometimes give my opinion onto some movies to see absolutely as it is the case for example for « Déjà Vu ».
Naturally this current event is not something new because the film came out in December, 2006… But rather than to miss it, when we are so close to the beach and so far from the movie theaters, it is always good to stay in front of the small screen a rainy evening and to be really captivated by a very good scenario.
Then no synopsis, just the desire to tell you to see « Déjà Vu », a Tony Scott film produced by Jerry Bruckheimer, with Denzel Washington, Val Kilmer, Jim Caviezel and Paula Patton for the principal roles..

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, LTL, 27.04.07

The arrival of tourists of South America increased by 54,4%

The Tourism Secretary, Felix Jiménez, informed that for the first three months of this year, the arrival of tourists of South America has increased by 54.40%.
The civil servant explained that the countries of South America which brought the most of foreign visitors are Venezuela, Argentina, Chile, Colombia, Brazil and Ecuador.
Coming from Venezuela, the country received 10.108 tourists, that means an increase of 70.11% compared to last year; from Argentina 8.439 tourists arrived, so a growth of 142.3%; from Chile 5.992 visitors arrived, which represents an increase of 28.69%; 4.950 visitors came from Colombia, meaning a growth rate of 17.91%; from Brazil 2.609 tourists arrived, representing a growth of 27.58% while from Ecuador, the country received 2.004 foreign visitors, meaning a growth rate of 75.33%.
Felix Jiménez informed that 583.621 visitors arrived from Canada, country with traditional tourist markets, this meaning a growth of 4.45%; from Italy 46.299 tourists arrived, representing an increase of 8.75%; from Spain 53.755 tourists came, representing a growing of 18.65%; from Austria 5.522 Austrians came, meaning an increase of 45.28% and from France arrived 113.669 visitors, that means a growth of 1.62%.

El Nuevo Diario, 27.04.07

Walking against infantile abuse

Santo Domingo – With a call against the infantile abuse, children of various Infantile Homes of the Distrito Nacional pertaining to the Dominican Institute of Social Security (IDSS) participated to a walking where they carried placards with the slogan I don’t want that abuse comes to me.
The activity was carried out at the time of the Month Against the Infantile Abuse. The director of the Infantile Homes, Lilliam Rodriguez, took advantage of this opportunity to express her concern because before setting up the Heath Family Insurance (SFS), budget is missing.
She informed that the IDSS manages 50 infantile homes where 5.188 children are cared. To comply with the Social Security law 87-01, it must extend its services, which will be impossible without economic resources.
Four to five years old children took part to the walking.
They walked carrying placards with various slogans requiring that the children are not abused, rejected or not discriminated.

Listin Diario Digital, by Doris Pantaleón, 27.04.07



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