Project application to develop ecotourism

The agreement between the Tourism and Environment Departments enters in phase of formulation with a contribution of 102 millions pesos.

The agreement, which has 18 months duration, was initialed in December 2006 with an investment of 102 millions pesos, of which Japanese Co-operation will deliver 2 millions US dollars through the JICA.

The national counterpart reaches one million US dollars and will be delivered in cash. By this convention the Japanese Co-operation will bring to the country six experts in relation with the various approached themes, while the Dominican Republic, by the means of two ministries, would put in place national experts, vehicles and equipment for the implementation of ecotourism.

The strategy is an actions and policies instrument which must be undertaken at the national level for the development of a complementary economic activity of nature tourism.

The strategy will make it possible to identify pilot projects which will be granted and validated on the field and which will insert the sectors of tourism, of nature tourism, of micro community companies, of eco residences (communitarian environmental residences) and private organizations which work in this direction, such as the rafting and any other eco tourist activity.

Ecotourism justifies a national strategic plan, because eco tourist activities are currently carried without any orientation; the activity exists, but it misses the policies which make it possible to direct it, while keeping the best benefit in environmental, and social terms and for the profit of the communities

Diario Digital, 02.07.07

Dominican authorities declare all the country airports under alert

Las Americas International airport and the other air terminals of the country were placed this Monday in state of alert per recommendation of the Transport Security Administration of United States (TSA), as preventive measures to face with the two vehicles charged with explosives in London, the attack in the Glasgow Airport, as well as the reinforcement of security in the John F Kennedy Airport of New York.

The chief of the Specialized Corps of Airport Security, Major General Juan Bautista Rojas Tabar, was also informed that the application of the activation of the alarm level three began in the various international airports of the country.

He indicated that the measures adopted in the Dominican airports, to face the possible terrorist actions, were put in place by the secretary of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant General Ramón Antonio Aquino García.

Listin Diario, 02.07.07

From Hollywood to Domiwood ?

President Leonel Fernandez met with movie producers from around the world for nearly two hours yesterday as part of his program to attract more attention to the Dominican Republic.

Executives from Twentieth Century Fox and Spyglass Entertainment were sided by local producers Freddy Beras Goico and Juan Basanta at the meeting.

According to Basanta, the President guaranteed film companies an institutional framework and the government’s collaboration and good will for future projects.

The meeting with film executives from India, Hollywood and New York opens the possibility that the Dominican Republic could become the next « Domiwood » exporting films to the international market.

DR1, 02.07.07

The President announces beneficial measures for the workers with Social Security funds

President Leonel Fernández announced that he will distribute instructions to the director of the National Goods in order to make gift of the necessary lands which will be used for the construction of 4.000 residences within the project « Professor Juan Bosch », to benefit the Social Security workers.

Fernández announced this by closing the Working table « How To Access to Pension’s Funds », sponsored by the Superintendence of Pensions, which had to analyze the forces and to determine the challenges which must be assumed in the identification process of the niches of investments for the funds of pensions, as well as strengthening coordination between the concerned sectors.

Moreover, the President committed himself to treat with the general management of the Social security to request an authorization near the Social Security Council, to place resources as certificates of deposits to the Central Bank.

He said that he will discuss with the general administrator of the Banco de Reservas for issuing again mortgage letters which can be acquired with funds of pensions.

He ensured that these immediate actions would allow a beginning of access to the funds of pensions and would guarantee in the medium and long term a growth and a development of the country beneficial for the workers.

Listin Diario, 02.07.07

Cuba, Haiti and Dominican Republic create a Caribbean biological reserve

Cuba, Haiti and Dominican Republic decided to create a biological reserve in the Caribbean in order to preserve the diversity of the area, informed today the local media.

The initiative includes cooperation agreements for the development of the necessary technology for the recovery of natural sectors, according to the official National Information Agency (AIN).

The convention for the creation of this reserve will be signed on July 10th in Puerto Escondido, in the border between Haiti and Dominican Republic, explained Ricardo Sánchez, director for Latin America and the Caribbean of the Program for the Environment of the United Nations (PNUE).

The civil servant of the PNUE takes part in 7th International Convention on the Environment and the Development which takes place this week in La Havana with the presence of more than 750 delegated of 23 countries and which is centered on the consequences of the climatic change.

El Nuevo Diario, 02.07.07

Miss Las Terrenas 2007

On Saturday June 30th, the Paseo de la Costanera and Casa July received the Organization Committee for a photo meeting and a dinner in order to define the rules of the beauty competition in Las Terrenas.
The Final will take place during the tourist high season on Sunday August 12th in the Residence Alisei Baraonda.
We thank the future candidates for contacting Lorenzo, Bruno, Lisette or Hervé in order to take part in this great festival of the Dominican Woman.

Resumption of this event in LAS TERRENAS by a group of storekeepers




PACO CABANA on Saturday 7/07/07 on the beach

CHEZ SANDRO on Saturday 14/07/07 French National Day

AGUA THIANA on Saturday 21/07/07….calle principal



2 / GIRLS FROM 16 to 22-year-olds




6 / HEIGHT….5.6 ft MINI…..WEIGHT…100/115 lb MAXI


The photos of this week present DORCA, young storekeeper, to the MOJITO bar of the swimming pool of the RESIDENCIA del PASEO.
The candidates and sponsors having been retained before the 1/07/07 are still in force.

The organization committee of Miss Las Terrenas 2007, 03.07.07

A program to eradicate chronic infantile malnutrition

Dominican Republic announced yesterday the beginning of a project approved by the World Food Program, with which they hope to eradicate infantile malnutrition in the country during the next eight years.

Called « National Program for the Eradication of Infantile Chronic Malnutrition » , this last will be focused to attack this plague in Dominican children of less than three years, affirmed the Minister for the Economy, Temístocles Montás, in an official press release.

The civil servant ensured that the government is conscious » of the need for making more effective the amounts intended for the social expenses, this is why the program includes the reorganization of the public institutions which offer civic assistance.

Montás specified that the official action was taken after the results of a study on infantile malnutrition in Latin America performed by the World Food Program and the Economic Commission of the Latin America (ECLA).

According to Montás, the study stresses that Dominican Republic presented during the 40 last years a reduction of the infantile malnutrition rates, but showed a strong deceleration during the five previous years.

He attributed this fact to the economic crisis faced by the country after the bankruptcy of several principal banks in 2003.

The regional manager for Latin America and the Caribbean of the WORLD FOOD PROGRAM, Pedro Medrano Rojas, said that the analysis of the social and economic impact of infantile malnutrition in the area showed that if we obtain the fall of one percent of this problem, that involves a reduction of four percent of poverty at the general level.

Medrano considered promising the data presented by the Dominican Republic and ensured that it is absolutely possible that the country obtains in a term of a few 10 years the complete elimination of infantile malnutrition.

El Caribe CDN, 02.07.07

The storekeepers of Santiago ask for extension of the closing times

More than 60 owners of businesses in Santiago and other cities claimed to the government to make more flexible the decree which regulates the sale of alcoholic drinks in the country.

The proposal was made through a document that was delivered to the provincial governor, Augusto Izquierdo, in which one solicits to the authorities that the times will be extend of two hours compared to the established closing times.

The storekeepers explain that the closing of the businesses at 12:00 in the evening during the days of week and at 2:00 hours during the evenings of weekend carried out to the bankruptcy dozens of places.

Diario Libre, 02.07.07

Convocation to an Ordinary Meeting

In accordance with the provision of article 13 of the Statutes, are convened by this means the members of the ALIANZA DE EMPRESAS DE SERVICIOS TURISTICOS DE SAMANA, Inc, to attend the Ordinary General meeting, in extraordinary meeting of the company that will be held on July 19th of the year two thousand seven (2007), in its offices of Las Terrenas, Samaná, in Calle el Carmen No 1, corner Calle Duarte, (casas de Doume) at four o’clock (4:00 PM), in order to:

1: Handing-over of the accounts of the outgoing Directive Assembly. Activity reports of these last 3 years.
2: Perusing of the election for a 3 years period to the members of the Directive Assembly of the Association.
3: Presentation of the strategic plan and payments of operations.
4: All other subjects.

Santo Domingo, Capital, twenty second of June (22nd) of the year two thousand seven (2007)

Ing. José Oscar Orsini Bosch, President, 05.07.07

Max Puig threatened with a « war »

Max Puig

The Senator Rubén Darío Cruz Ubiera said yesterday that the Environment and Natural Resources secretary, Max Puig, will have the war with his unfounded accusations, after his « retraction » in the interpellation to which he was subjected by the Senate.

He explained that while this civil servant pretends fighting to defend the natural resources, the governmental dependence which he managed grants the authorizations to cut down pine forests in Jarabacoa and in other wooded reserves.

Regarding the last declarations of Puig, in which he affirms that one tries to transfer beaches, forests and other natural resources to private individuals in violation with the law, Cruz Ubiera, said: What happens is that Max Puig is haunted by the phantom of the dismissal because of his disastrous exercise in the secretariat of Environment.

The legislator showed photos of various places where people and sectors without scruples cut species of trees, involving serious damage to the bio-diversity.

Cruz Ubiera said that his statements during the interpellation of Puig, including the branch of olive-tree which he held, were made under reserves, this why he does not reject to bring Puig before the court if he mentions his name in his unfounded accusations.

If he dares to mention my name, he will be in the defendants hot seat and I will put an end to his campaign of slander and insults, emphasized Senator Cruz Ubiera.

Cruz Ubiera said that when he was challenged, the Environment minister said that the press put his declarations out of the context, but if he wants war, he will have it, underlined the legislator.

Hoy Digital, by Pedro GERMOSEN, 05.07.07

The Vice-president of Taiwan receives the maximal distinction

The Dominican government decorated yesterday with the Order of the Merit of Duarte, Sanchez y Mella in the degree Great Cross Golden plate, the Vice-president of Taiwan, Annette Hsiu-bond Lu.

The Vice-president received the distinction from her counterpart Rafaël Alburquerque, to whom she subsequently imposed the Order Great Cross of Propitious Clouds in the degree of Great Special Cord, after having underlined his task as lawyer, professor and a promoter of the rights of the workers.

Mrs Annette Hsiu-bond Lu, who was received by President Leonel Fernández in the National Palace, promised to carry the distinction attached and proud in her heart .

Thanked for the diplomatic relation that unites Dominican Republic and Taiwan, the Vice-president ensured that 63 years of collaboration were worth and revealed the desire of the Taiwanese authorities that the country can build more cybernetic parks.

Alburquerque emphasized the admiration of the Dominican people for the economic, political and social development reached by Taiwan. After having lunched in the Government House, Mrs Annette Hsiu-bond Lu visited the infantile hospital Robert Reid Cabral to which she made a gift of 300,000 US $.

Diario Libreby Kleiner López, 05.07.07

He announces that he will not accept disorder the day of the strike

The chief of the Police force, Lieutenant General Bernardo Santana Páez, said yesterday that the institution will impose rigidity in front of those who will cause violence and disorder during the demonstration of Monday.

There should not be violence nor disorder in the strike of Monday. The Police force identified the people and the groups who stimulate this strike. Almost all are professionals , said Santana Páez, during an interview granted to El Caribe during which he spoke, moreover, of violence, corruption, the increasing of agents and of his relation with the secretary of the Interior, Franklin Almeyda, among other subjects.

We know that we are in democracy, but a strike must be peaceful, without weapon, and that it does not cause public disorder. For this reason, the people who cause violence or disorder will have problems , announced the chief of the Police force.

I say to the strike organizers that they give up making it, and if they do not give up, that it is held according to the law and the Constitution of the Republic, with order and without weapon. And to the citizens, I say that the Police force is there to protect security of the population and to foresee the criminal acts which can be performed.

Drugs and violence

About the increase of the drugs traffic and of the violence in the country, Santana Páez said: Dominican Republic is a bridge country with regard to drugs. The micro traffic in the districts is creating violence. The young people with drug became more violent. Moreover, the demonstrations of violence, also, often come from intra familial problems . He also said that the National police force has a vast quota of prepared agents and that it has an advanced technology, equipment and transport units of any type to fight the delinquency.

His relation with Almeyda

With regard to the relation which he maintains with the Interior and Police force Minister, Franklin Almeyda, Santana Páez said that he does not have problems with the Secretary. It is perhaps a false perception of the media that we have a bad relation, but it is not thus. I go well with everyone .

Withdrawal of 17 agents

With regard to the cases of corruption and acts of delinquency in which civil servants and many police officers were involved, Santana Páez affirmed that in the last week 17 agents were dismissed, and 723 during the last two years.

The population must trust on the police officer, and that does not occur. The police officer must foresee the violations, not to cause them. These 17 civil servants were brought before the commission of punishable or criminal acts, and now their judgment should be awaited. Before one did not say these things, but it is now necessary that the population knows everything related to its Police force , explained Santana Páez.

El Caribe, by Dusan Piña V, 06.07.07

Parties support the claim and differ on the strike

Spokesmen of various parties of opposition valid the requests of the sectors which convene to a strike on next Monday, although some of them expressed their support to the strike and others required the way of the dialogue with the authorities.

Miguel Vargas, presidential candidate of the PRD, was those which expressed their support for the convened movement by a series of popular and trade-union organizations.

He considered that the Government was indolent in front of the population complaints; this is why people do not have other alternative except to protest.

He clarified the fact that the white party does not sponsor the protest, although indeed it supports the claims.

On his side, the presidential candidate of the PRSC, Amable Aristy Castro, invited the organizers of the strike to seek solutions to the problems by means of the dialogue, although he said to recognize that there are valid reasons to be on strike.

I recognize that there are valid reasons so that the population protests and strikes, but we have to understand that we must initially impose the frank and open dialogue between the government and the trade-union organizations , declared the presidential reformist candidate, interviewed in the AILA.

Meanwhile, the Independent Revolutionary Party (PRI) announced its support to the strike by understanding that the complaints of these groups are right.

On his side, Hatuey de Camps, president of Democratic Social Revolutionary Party (PRSD) said that the climate of insecurity and the indolence of the Government deserve a certain reaction of the population, this is why he announced his support to the strike.

We support this initiative, but we indicate that it must be peaceful and that it cannot breed any type of violence, he commented.

Diario Libre, 06.07.07

INAPA starts to place piping of the aqueduct of Samaná

The Executive Director of the National Institute of Drinking waters and Sewers (INAPA) announced that this organization started the installation of piping which will manage the distribution network of the new multiple aqueducts which is built in the province of Samaná at a cost of 115,200.000 US $.

Engineer Víctor Díaz Rúa said that work was carried out by the Brazilian engineer constructor company Odebrecht, company which built the aqueduct of the North-western Line.

It is an important work for the tourist development of Samaná which has already the airport, the hotels, new road, only the aqueduct was missing and this system will consolidate the development of Samaná, he explained.

The Executive Director of INAPA said that according to the forecasts the work will be finished at the end of 2008.

If we translate the cost into national currency we speak about 3,700 million pesos, but what is interesting is that this aqueduct will provide drinking water to all the peninsula of Samaná, including the communities like Las Terrenas and Las Galeras , he indicated.

Díaz Rúa stressed that work will benefit around 150 thousand people in 2028.

The aqueduct will also include the communes of Samaná, Portillo, Arroyo Barril, Rincón and other zones.

The system will be composed of a pumping work built in the San Juan and the Majagual Rivers, and will have a treatment plant with a capacity of 500 liters per second. During work of inspection, the Director of INAPA received explanations of Engineer Machado, Contract Director of Odebrecht and was accompanied by his collaborator Engineer Frank Matos, and by other executives of the manufacturer.

El Nuevo Diario, 08.07.07

Opinions: Tourism and Delinquency

The companies directors of Las Terrenas, one of the most beautiful tourist zones of the country, recovered their lost quietness, thanks to the fact that the headquarters of the National police force reinforced the security services with the assignment of 18 civil servants trained in the National School of the Citizen Security, this why it is hoped that security will be improved in this zone, struck by a delinquency which too frequently found the support and the complicity of those supposed to fight it.

Insecurity and tourism are absolutely incompatible; it is good that the authorities start to understand it.

Hoy Digital, 08.07.07

Sectors divided regarding the strike

On last Friday, the principal sectors which influence the « success » of a strike did not succeed in agreeing regarding the convocation carried out by the Alternative Social Forum for today Monday.

The fact is that the three principal trade unions of transport; Fenatrano, Conatra and Fenatrado, could not reconcile their positions. On the one hand, the National Federation of Transport the New Option (Fenatrano) approves the movement, but the National Confederation of Transport (Conatra) left the choice to its associates to decide if they support or not the strike.

The Federation of Dominican Transport (Fenatrado), which gathers around six thousand truck-drivers, announced its rejection of the movement considering that the convocation is premature and because it did not give the opportunity to have an appropriate negotiation with the Government.

Educational unions

The Associations of Dominican Professors (ADP) and Employees of the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (Asodemu) are part of the unions which support the strike. However, the Federation of Dominican Students (EDF) rejects the day of protest.

In the same way, the authorities of the UASD said that teaching will not be suspended. On his side, Hugo Cedeño, president of Faprouasd, announced his support with the paralysis and defended the right for the population to protest. He suggests that after the strike evaluative assembly is carried out to examine how to continue with the requests to improve the living conditions of the Dominican people.

The Prosecutor

The Attorney General of the Republic, Radhamés Jiménez Roller, affirmed that a strike of the productive activities of the country has a demagogic political component .

Coincidence with the Secretary of Interior and Police force, Franklin Almeyda, because behind this call are the parties of the opposition. Obviously there is a demagogic political component , said the civil servant and the member of the political party PLD.


The official party criticized the attitude of support for the strike of next Monday which is assumed by the majority of the parties of opposition, by indicating that this showed the political character of the convocation. In a press document, the governmental organization insists on the fact that the political opposition tries to raise and promote the striker movement.

Diario Libre, 09.07.07

Miss Las Terrenas (continuation)

A magic place, an exceptional weather, two splendid candidates. This week the PACO CABANA bar restaurant received us in its Lounge space in order to present two charming Dominican girls.

LAIDY CASTILLO, 17 YEARS working in a CD shop in the Calle Principal.

ESMERALDA FERNANDEZ, 22 YEARS, housewife, resident in Las Terrenas.

An afternoon of aesthetic work in order to prepare this big beauty festival MISS LAS TERRENAS which will take place on SUNDAY AUGUST 12th, 07 in the ALISEI/BARAONDA at the end of the day, around the swimming pool of the residence.

The next photo session will take place on SATURDAY 14/07/07 at 15 H. French National Day on the SANDRO beach in front of the PANORAMA Residence, PORTILLO road.

Welcome to everybody and THANKS to the PACO CABANA for this excellent dinner.

Definition of a good photo ? ? Emotion and graphic arrangement appointment according to ROBERT DOISNEAU…. Parisian photographer of the Fifties.

We thank the future candidates for presenting them in EXTREME PIXEL commercial center Paseo 829/399/56/17

Photo credit: Bruno Dongu/extreme pixel /Paseo de la Costanera

(Photo Esmeralda FERNANDEZ)

Hervé BROUSSET, 10.07.07

The strike qualified as a success

The Alternative Social Forum qualified the general strike in great majority as a success and a demonstration of good citizenship for the Dominicans who suffer from problems of which the Government does not deal with.

María Teresa Cabrera, President of the Dominican Association of Professors (ADP) convened a National Parliament for next July 28th in which the Alternative Social Forum will carry out a collective evaluation of the day of this Monday.

They did not dismiss a second national strike at the date of this meeting.

They called the organizations of every district and commune to carry out assessment meetings, to define local and civic protests and to accumulate new forces for a new national day.

During the day of protest 12 persons were injured and 50 were arrested.

El Viajero Digital, 09.07.07

The graduates begin their national tests today

The students of the public schools and private colleges of the General Middle Level Category and of Professional Technician Level were convened to start as from this Tuesday the examinations corresponding to the first convocation of the annual National Tests, organized by the Education State Secretariat.

The certificate examinations will start from 2:30 in the afternoon. The first test corresponds to Spanish Language, on Wednesday, Mathematics; on Thursday, Social Sciences; and on Friday, Nature Sciences.

Are waited for the Spanish exam, 83.899 students; Mathematics, 91.078; Social Sciences, 82.452; Science of Nature 87, 907.

While the awaited professional technicians are, for the Spanish exam, 13.340; Mathematics, 13.820; Social Sciences, 13.325; and Nature Sciences, 13 539.

The Education Minister, Alejandrina Germán, asked the directors, teachers, fathers, mothers, tutors and students to continue to contribute to the increase of the National Tests credibility.

Last week, the Education State Secretariat applied with a big success the tests to the students of eighth course, same results are awaited for the Middle Level exams.

El Nuevo Diario, 10.07.07

The Senate transforms into law the capitalization of the Central Bank

Yesterday evening, the Senate of the Republic transformed into law the project of Recapitalization of the Central Bank, which project forms part of the requirements of the International Monetary Funds (IMF) and which envisages an emission of vouchers for 320 billion pesos.

The project declared urgent and which was sanctioned at the time of two consecutive readings, counted at the beginning with the opposition of the senators of the Dominican Revolutionary Party (PRD), of which the spokesman, Robert Rodriguez, requested time to study it.

The position of the reformists, although they need also time to analyze the motion, was formalized with the proposal that the project is approved in first reading and that one grants a study period.

The « perredeístas » (PRD) then adhered to this request when the president of the Senate, Reinaldo Pared Pérez, came to a conclusion with an energetic tone indicating that it was necessary to approve the law considering the compromises which the country had with the IMF.

After one hour of debates, the motion was sanctioned in first reading at 8:10 p.m. After having started the second session, the project was approved unanimously by 23 senators.

The law authorizes the Secretariat of Finances, through the General Management of Public Credit, the emission of vouchers for the recapitalization of the Central Bank with a quantity going up to 320 billion pesos, and authorizes to carry out the corresponding annual partial emissions during a period between the years 2007 and 2016. The vouchers will be emitted within 10 year to cover the deficit of the Central Bank.

Diario Libre, by Niza Campos, 10.07.07

Bonilla says that they will investigate for other actors of the TSS file

The Management of Persecution of the Administrative Corruption (DPCA) will have to re orientate its research with other actors of the system , after the details communicated by the Controller of Finances of the National Council of the Social Security (CNSS), Luis Paulino, compared to non payment of the contributions and the remittals of debts by the Treasury of Social security (TSS) which reaches approximately 50,900 million pesos and which implies any type of private companies .

Information was communicated by Otoniel Bonilla, sub-manager of the DPCA, who said that the case will be deepened and that they envisaged questioning the Treasurer of the Social security, Henry Sahdalá. There are all kinds of private companies, of all the sectors of the economy expressed Paulino, interviewed by the journalists while arriving at the DPCA, where he was questioned with the responsible of the data processing of the CNSS, Franklin Inoa.

Inoa was present during the interrogations performed by an associated attorney and whose investigation was supervised by the director of the DPCA, Octavio Líster, and by Bonilla. Being interviewed before being questioned by the organization of the General Attorney of the Republic, Paulino said that as controller of finances of the CNSS, he made the audits himself, but that he is currently in a process of investigation and that as a representative of this control of finances, he must use the corresponding channels to give opinions.

The civil servant said that the interrogations to which he would be subjected to the DPCA would be mainly centered on the report which revealed that private companies would not have paid the contributions of their employees to the TSS, which would represent a sum from 40,000 to 50,900 million pesos.

He said that he can mention neither figures nor numbers, before research is not concluded. He indicated that Magistrate Líster revealed the existence of certain cases where remittals of debts were made and he insisted on the fact that they are making a major research before this department adopt the measures which he considers adequate.

Listin Diario, 11.07.2007

Samaná opens the doors to the tourism of Venezuela

The historically coveted peninsula of Samaná is again the subject of the attention of a foreign country, but in this case nobody wants to annex it. This interest comes from Venezuela, country which has designs on tourism in this beautiful Dominican province.

The first of the 21 charters flights which will arrive from the country of Bolivar during August, July and September landed on last July 5th in the El Catey Samaná Airport.

The initiative is realized by the Tourist Promotion Office in Venezuela, the State Secretariat of Tourism and the Bahía Principe group and its three hotels of the province.

Miguelina Ruiz, director of the Tourist Promotion Office in Venezuela revealed that the idea is to support Samaná in Venezuela because in Dominican Republic, the most known destinations are Punta Cana and on the northern coast Puerto Plata, but it is the first time that Samaná is favored .

In the charter, pertaining to the Laser Aerolínea, 32 people, among whom travel agents and journalists, arrived in Samaná, with the purpose to enjoy the splendid landscape of our peninsula.

The Global group, Arnuel Viajes and are present, while among the journalists they are the representatives of 3 reviews of tourism, of television channels and the most important periodicals of Venezuela: El Universal and El Nacional.

Listin Diario, 11.07.2007

The success of the chief of the National police force

The transformations produce changes in the society and the institutions, which in the majorities of the cases benefit the society.

The chief of the National police force, Lieutenant General Bernardo Santana Páez, carried out changes in the Institution charged to take care of the quietness of the citizens, changes approved by the majority of the Dominicans.

The success of the Chief of the Police starts with the communication with the various sectors of the social life, especially with the directors of the media and the journalists, those which for the majority speak highly or ill of the civil servants.

On another side, the organization of the leader departments or directions of the National police force, during the two last years, comes to give a mechanism for the institution itself and the society, in the middle of the delinquency and violence.

The fact that the President, Doctor Leonel Fernández, a statesman and a lawyer, named him Lieutenant General, gives a good example of the transformation of the National police force, in the middle of the internal concerns, and of the dismiss of 200 of its members and of civil servants, who were accused of violation of the country laws.

It should be underlined, that the success of Lieutenant General Santana Páez is the fruit of the support of President Leonel Fernández, by the means of Interior and Police force, as it is the case for logistic equipment, among which vehicles, motor cycles, communication radios, and « cleaning » of his strength.

El Nuevo Diario, by Carlos Corporán, 10.07.07

Patients of Robert Reid Hospital receive Barney

The magic of Barney and his friends, figures who enchant the children of any age, contaminated yesterday the patients of the infantile hospital Robert Reid Cabral.

During a few times the infants forgot their indispositions, changed the tears for smiles and appreciated the short spectacle that the purple dinosaur with green spots exhibited under the hospital roof.

With serum in the arm, that did not prevent tens of children from leaving their rooms with the purpose to see their desire becoming reality and to closely know this figure, who transmits a message of peace, friendship, love and respect in his songs.

It was 11 o’clock in the morning when Barney appeared and struck up the song « We are special », which justified the applause of the small spectators present, among which they were parents, doctors and employees of the medical center.

After the representation, which lasted almost 20 minutes, Barney traversed with Baby Bop and BJ the hemodialyses, pneumology, cardiology rooms of the hospital, moment during which they took the opportunity to kiss the young patients and to be taken in photo with them.

El Caribe, by Felivia Mejía, 12.07.07

Ah ! Beautiful ideas… A Pure World

Mundo Puro your cigars cellar in the Calle Principal, entirely renovated recently, joins Limpieza Playa for the High Summer Season 2007…

For every cigar sold… 3 pesos for the beaches from the 15/07/07 to the 31/08/07

After Marcesa/Liquor Store in spring, other storekeeper of LAS TERRENAS who takes an active part in the maintenance of our environment… BRAVO.

To whom the next generous idea ? ?

In any case, many thanks for these good and beautiful initiatives…..

Hervé BROUSSET, 12.07.07

Midnight or 2:00 AM : Two eccentric measures

If there are some distinctive signs that fall as a ring to the Dominican Republic finger, is to affirm that this country is a very special country , because of the dispositions taken by the State secretary of Interior and Police, which orders the closing of the businesses selling alcoholic drinks the week days at midnight, and the weekends at two o’clock in the morning.

With both decisions, this disposition pretends to eradicate or to control the condition of citizens insecurity that is felt in the whole national territory, where the crimes, attacks, violations, thefts and robberies are topical, without that this decree or other alternative measures were able to stop or to diminish the aggressions that happen everywhere.

Our country, a tourist power in the Caribbean region and a destination preferred by many European citizens, especially Spanish, French and Italian, cannot show an image of curfew by forcing the places where alcoholic drinks are sold to close, the week days at 12 a.m., imitating Cinderella  , and at 2:00 a.m. during the weekends, when precisely they are a lot of people going out in the streets.

This has brought as consequence the problem of the fulfillment of orders , when agents of the National police force nastily oblige citizens (foreigners and Dominicans) that are having dinner in a restaurant or in public place, to pay the bill and to go out, as it has happened in Las Terrenas, Sosúa and Cabarete.

The police methods have been so arbitrary that I heard foreigner victims of this absurdity expressing that they will not come back to the country. We do not have to forget that we compete with Jamaica and Puerto Rico for the North American and Canadian tourism and that these islands, which have an index of criminality higher than ours, have never taken so drastic and disheveled actions as those adopted here.

Now we are wondering if this regulation is constitutional or legal. We believe firmly that not. Our Constitution does not believe that anybody could be obliged, without committing a crime, to leave a public place for time motive and without being in a state of siege or of war. Neither is a law that indicates that the night hours are more dangerous than the diurnal ones.

Moreover, we can affirm that the majority of the robberies and kidnappings, as well as murders, take place in the light of the day, generally performed by individuals who make out to be agents of the public order, or by individuals who travel in motorcycles. If we accept the reasoning of the State secretary of Interior and Police force as valid, so it should also prohibit the actions of the police and to circulate along the streets and avenues in motorcycle.

Since this disposition was approved, innumerable businesses dedicated to the lawful sale of alcohol and which offered service of restaurant, went to the bankruptcy, without the civil servants of the government try to look for another more efficient solution without being harmful with businesses established since many years. Those who go to a restaurant or to a discotheque, for having some drinks, are not those who go out to cause robberies or violations.

If an inventory is done, we can confirm that this discriminatory measure has not managed to diminish substantially the criminality, since it was its original intention. This one only fights with education and employment. The majority of the persons who use a weapon do it for ignorance and omnipotence, believing that this action grants them a superiority that forces them to shoot, if the other one is trying to defend himself.

A commendable task for an economist, since we are not, would be to determine the losses suffered by the manufacturers of drinks and liquors by means of a comparative study of before and after the measure application.

Likewise, the economic prejudices inflicted on the commercial businesses, as discotheques, party lounges, restaurants, bars and especially on the hotels that are not in the Bávaro, Punta Cana, Uvero Alto, Playa Dorada privileged zones.

We are sure that the figures that the above mentioned sample will makes appear will make turn pale the General manager of Internal Taxes, because of the resources that the treasury does not perceive any more.

It is painful that in our country we take measures of double morality, with which we try to hide the disability of the authorities supposed to implement the order, and with the non recognition to have been beyond by the trickery and the stratagems that the delinquents use to ridicule the agents of the public order.

These were ineffectual in front of the sophisticated equipments and resources used by the Dominicans deported of the United States of America.

To face these harms, the Police force must be professional and to recruit personnel with capacity and dedication, but for it, they must raise the salaries in order that the profession of policeman or of national security agent is attractive.

In a country where governmental authorities say that we live in an exemplary representative democracy, it is incongruous to take so extravagant measures striking a blow against the tourism, the first producing line of currencies and businesses, principal national employer.

It is necessary to recall to the State secretary of Interior and Police, that he checks everything well. In consequence, we warmly request him that he acts sensibly and abolishes these unpopular measures.

Hoy Digital, by José Antonio MARTÍNEZ ROJAS, 13.07.07

The Senate studies a Law to prohibit the sale of alcoholic drinks and another rule for the tobacco and its derivatives

The Senate studies a project of Fight against the Excessive Alcoholic Drinks Consumption, which prohibits the sale of alcoholic drinks in times between midnight and 8:00 a.m. from Sunday to Thursday, and from Friday to Saturday, from 2:00 a.m. to 11:00 a.m., as well as another Regulating Measure of the Tobacco Products and its derivatives.

This project, aiming to contribute to the improvement of the health conditions of the Dominicans, was subjected by the senator of the Dominican Liberation Party (PLD), Tomy Galán, who convened a press conference for this Monday in his office of the Senate, where he will let know more details on this Law.

The project regarding the alcoholic drinks prohibits the sale to minors, as well as the sale on the public way, by establishing a fine of 200 pesos and 500 pesos for those which would violate this provision.

Article 6 establishes that the places selling alcoholic drinks must have a label in a visible sector indicating that it is prohibited to sell these drinks to people who is less than 18-year old.

The alcoholic drinks which are marketed in the country will have to wear a label on their packing, in visible place, the degree of alcohol of their content, as well as the legend: the alcohol consumption is harmful for health, records the project.

In the same way, it will not be possible to open new places selling alcoholic drinks at less than 200 meters of educational and health centers.

The purpose of the Sanitary and Regulating Measures of the Tobacco Products and its derivatives is to establish the legal rules necessary to guarantee the right of Dominicans to breathe air without smoke contaminated by the tobacco products and its derivatives, especially for people who are less than 18-year old.

Also promote the necessary mechanisms for the prevention and the control of the nicotine addiction. The new legislation seeks to regulate the fact that the sale and the provisioning of the tobacco products and its derivatives can be only carried out in the tobacco distribution network in places which have the necessary administrative authorizations and is strictly prohibited in any other place or by any other means.

El Nuevo Diario,by Ramiro ESTRELLA, 16.07.07

Increase in fuel prices

For the second consecutive week the State Secretariat of Industry and Commerce (SEIC) announced the raising of fuel’s prices.

From this Saturday, the Premium gasoline will cost RD $163.60, so a raising of RD $2.20; the regular gasoline will be sold at RD $151.40, meaning a raising of RD $2.80; the gas oil increases of RD $1.60 to be sold at RD $117.40; the Liquid Oil Gas (GLP), will be at RD $52.09 for subsidized and at RD $73.85 for not subsidized, which represents an increase of RD $0.89.

The SEIC justified the new raisings because the fuels on the international market finished this week on their highest level since August 2006, because of geopolitical concerns in Nigeria and in Iran, in addition to the nervousness for the supply of gasoline at the investors.

The fuel reserves are 4.2 percent lower than their level of the past year at the same time, at a moment when the request will have to reach this week its annual peak.

According to the experts, the gasoline reserves tend to drop in summer, drained by a strong demand, explains the Industry and Commerce Minister. The rate used to perform these calculations was of RD $33.41, provided by the Central Bank.

El Viajero Digital, 16.07.07

The hotel keepers confide that tourism will increase in the next three months

Promoters of Dominican tourism await an improvement in the arrival of tourists of the American market for the next three months, because the United State authorities granted an extension until September 24th, for the use of the passport required to travel.

In the last months this measure caused a reduction in the arrival of the English and Porto Rican tourists.

The statistics of the Central Bank show that the arrival from these destinations was reduced of more than 28.356 thousand visitors from January to May of this year compared to the same period in 2006.

The vice-president of the Hotels and Restaurants Association (Asonahores) and the president of the Association of Hotels of Playa Dorada, Rafaël Silverio Galán (Kuky), explain that it is necessary to make efforts on other substitutes markets as the European, Venezuela, South America, the French, the Canadian and England.

Arturo Villanueva, hotel sector representative, said that the Secretariat of Tourism and the private sector will go hand in hand to recover and implement some measures, such as the increase in promotions, special programs, analyze of which market could be more favorable for the country, and the opening of new skies.

He declared that the success of the Dominican Republic is due to the diversification of the market, and that in front of this situation that he called as economic the alternative is to seek on other markets the substitution of these destinations which present a reduction, and to thus maintain the level.

It can never be obtained that all the markets remain equal .

The country is prepared

He explained that the country is more than prepared to look for these markets, because they worked on the joint implementation of specific programs in infrastructures solution through the creation of the National Institute of Tourist Development (Indetur), as well as in the creation of the Institute of Tourist Promotion. Subsequently, will be published a second rule on the documents which will be required, as from January 1st, 2008, for those who enter to the United States.

Since January 8th of this year, the citizens of the United States, Mexico, Canada and Bermuda had to present their passport to be able to enter on the American territory by airports or seaports as part of an initiative to avoid the use of false documents and to foreseen the quantity of potential terrorists and criminals in this country.

According to the Barometer of the OMT of the World Tourism, the experts indicate that the weakness of the American dollar, the air transport fees more expensive and the economic uncertainty can slow down the travelers.

In addition, the increase in the safety measures, the congestions in the airports and the limits of capacity of the air lines, could compensate the beneficial impact of a weaker dollar of the arrivals of the United States.

Listin Diario, by Desirée MARTÍNEZ , 16.07.07

Gold for 53 Kilos

With a record of 53 kilograms, the weightlifter Yuderkis Contreras gave to the Dominican Republic a second gold medal during the first two days of the 15th Pan-American Games.

In addition to the Creole weightlifter, Yácomo García is also gone up on the podium, by gaining a bronze medal in the Taekwondo.

Contreras exceeded several times the Pan-American record in the three categories of competition: Snatch, clean-and-jerk and total. Now the Dominican medals are five, with two gold medals, one silver medal and two bronze medals.

El Caribe, 17.07.07

Today Bill Clinton visits Dominican Republic

By invitation of the AIDS Presidential Council, the former President of the Unites States, William J. Clinton will visit Santo Domingo, today Tuesday July 17th, as principal executive of the Foundation which wears his name, which is devoted to fight HIV and AIDS epidemic everywhere in the world.

The purpose of the visit, only stop in Latin America in the current voyage of Clinton for several nations, is to promote the Pediatric Initiative, a project of the Clinton Foundation, of the US Agency for the International Development (USAID) and of the Public Health Secretariat (SESPAS), for the benefit of thousands of Dominican minors affected by the HIV and the AIDS.

El Nuevo Diario, 17.07.07

Miss Las Terrenas (continuation)

As always with Sandro, this Chilean/Dominican/French, the reception was perfect.

FIESTA ONE THE BEACH with Marlène and Vincent for the musical atmosphere.

July 14th…..Cocorico….. Patriotic date for the French community of Las Terrenas, full terrace, and a popular photo session for Extreme Pixel in the objective of Bruno DONGU.

Within the framework of the pre selections of this event MISS LAS TERRENAS 2007, planned for SUNDAY AUGUST 12th at the end of the day in the Residence Alisei/Baraonda we integrated:

1/MEGANE… 16-YEAR OLD… STUDENT in Las Terrenas

2/MABEL… 19-YEAR OLD… STUDENT in Las Terrenas

For the dinner, Sandro nicely invited the Steering Committee and the present models around an Argentinean meat fondue of which it has the secret… DELICIOUS ! ! ! !

An excellent day under a glorious sky. Many THANKS for this conviviality.



The new candidates are requested to present themselves at EXTREME PIXEL… PASEO de la COSTANERA… 829/399/56/17

(In photo: Mégane)

Hervé BROUSSET, 17.07.07

The Government starts the construction of a hydro-electric power station

Leonel Fenandez

President Leonel Fernández directed yesterday the beginning of the construction of the hydro-electric project Las Placetas, of Santiago, an investment of 285 million dollars that will provide 87 megawatts.

Since the top table, the President pushed the button which made explode several loads located at a few 300 meters of the scene of the ceremony, initiating the beginning of work.

Leonel Fernández observed the sequence of detonations in the mountainous part where the Brazilian company Andrade Gutiérrez, which conceived and will carry out the work, will begin its construction.

The President of the Republic was accompanied by the Ambassador of Brazil in the country, Ronaldo Edgar Dunlop; Angela Gutiérrez, principal shareholder of the company which will carry out the project; the Governor of this province, professor José Izquierdo, and other high officials of the Government.

The contract between the Dominican State and the Brazilian constructor company was agreed in June 2005, by foreseeing that the investment of 285 million dollars will be recovered over one seven years period, as from the beginning of activity of the hydro-electric power station. The repayment of the financing is planned for 14 years, with a period of three years tolerance.

The provincial governor, José Izquierdo thanked Engineer Rafael Suero Miliano, executive vice-president of the Dominican Hydro-electric company, for offering the technical details, by ensuring that the hydro-electric power station will contribute to the reduction of the costs and of the final tariff for the users of the electric service and will allow a diesel combustible saving of approximately 638 thousand barrels, namely an annual saving of approximately 41,5 million dollars.

In the same way, this hydro-electric power station will provide receipts of 33,5 million dollars for the sale of energy; creation of about 1.400 direct jobs what, in his opinion, will improve the quality of life of this population.

In representation of the constructor company, Engineer José Carlos Marque, director for Central America and the Caribbean, stressed that this hydro-electric power station will not only represent a saving higher than 40 million dollars per year, but will also decrease the dependence to foreign hydrocarbons. The energy production on the basis of hydro-electric project represents the guarantee of a more economical electrical power, which will not produce harmful effects to the environment, meaning an entry in the protocol of Kyoto for our countries, he emphasized.

Hoy Digital, 18.07.07

They mention tens of products which have high prices now

The complaints of the population for the high cost of living are not accidental. The statistics indicate that at least 24 products of massive consumption, including some drugs, are more expensive today than in August 2004.

Increases were recorded although during the three last years the nominal rate of the dollar reduced by 22%, because in August 2004 it was quoted at RD $43.00 for one and it is currently at RD $33.00.

Economic analysts affirm that the prices did not reduce and that on the contrary increases were recorded, because during the three last years three tax reforms occurred which imply increases in costs. But in addition to the fact that the contraction of the dollar was not reflected in a prices reduction, that implies in addition a reduction of receipts.

They are thousands of Dominicans who are living thanks to sending which they receive form parents living outside and who do not have a currencies output in accordance with the face value presented by the trade banks and the exchange agencies.

Products as bread, sugar, meats, tomato purée, onions, cheese, milk, toothpaste, analgesics and flu syrups, are among those which recorded increases oscillating between 2% and up to 58%.


In addition to food and drugs, the fuels prices are maintained on historical maximum levels, mainly affected by the taxes.

The fuels pay a differential tax through the Law 112-00 on Hydrocarbons, 16% of an ad valorem tax and an additional tax implemented during the fiscal rectification of the last year. The expenses exceed the value of importation of some fuels, like the premium and regular gasoline.

Diario Libre, 18.07.07

Clinton makes donation of 1,2 million dollars to a Dominican infantile hospital

Former American president Bill Clinton visited Tuesday an infantile hospital of Dominican Republic in the middle of the chaos carried out by the security and the local journalists, who made an angry protest by the « discrimination » which supposedly they were subjected to.

Clinton, arrived in the country with 32 people, among whom company managers and donors, went to the place to support the initiatives made by the local authorities in the fight against the HIV and the AIDS disease.

The ex- president donated 60,000 dollars to promote the Pediatric Initiative, a project of the Presidential Council of AIDS (COPRESIDA) and of the Clinton Foundation, to provide treatment and follow-up to the children affected by HIV and AIDS, said to the press the first Dominican lady, Margarita Cedeño de Fernandez.

Clinton and Cedeño crossed the hospital « Robert Reid Cabral » in company of the minister of local Health, Bautista Rojas Gómez, and the director of COPRESIDA, Humberto Salazar.

We are very happy and satisfied of the collaboration and the support of former President Clinton , Mrs Cedeño de Fernández said. According to the first Lady, the company managers and the donors who accompanied the ex leader were interested by the work carried out by the authorities of the hospital, this why we hope that they can collaborate with us.

Bill Clinton, who arrived with a delay of almost three hours at the hospital, crossed the internal sectors, hematology and neo natal cares of the health center, principal infantile hospital of Dominican Republic.

In short declarations to the press and obviously nervous because of the incident between the journalists and the security agents, the ex American President expressed his concern regarding the propagation of the AIDS in the minors.

In the middle of the tumult, Clinton left the hospital in direction of the National Palace, to meet privately with the Dominican president, Leonel Fernández.

According to data of ONUSIDA and of World AIDS Organization, one percent of the Dominican population is infected by the HIV, although this figure reaches approximately five percent in some areas. While, the official figures indicate that at least 33.000 children were orphan in the country after the death of two parents, while some 3.000 suffer from the disease.

El Nuevo Diario, 18.07.07

Leonel Fernández inaugurated the aqueduct which will provide water to the North-western line

At the rhythm of the merengue song « yo sigo subido en el palo », of the orchestra of José Peña Suazo, and with the population wearing caps and T-shirts referring to the re-election, President Leonel Fernández inaugurated yesterday the first and second phases of the multiple aqueduct of the North-western line, built at a cost higher than 8.300 million pesos.

The work was blessed by the bishop of the diocese Mao-Montecristi, Diómedes Spinal.

It is the 92nd work of this category inaugurated by the President. The construction of this aqueduct was supervised by the Brazilian consortium Norberto Odebrecht and Andrade Gutiérrez.
The inaugural ceremony started at 12:25 after the arrival in the helicopter of President Fernández and several people of his escort.

The director of the National Institute of Drinking waters and Sewers (Inapa), engineer Víctor Díaz Rúa, said in the description of the work that this aqueduct carried out by his office will be of benefit to more than 160 Communities of the provinces of Santiago Rodríguez, Valverde, Montecristi and Dajabón.

This project was stagnant because the preceding government of the PRD and the PPH had ceased paying loans of 2 thousand dollars, which seems incredible but it was true.
For the former president Hipólito Mejía, the drinking water of these people was not worth 60 thousand pesos, in other words, 60 thousand pesos were too much to solve the problem of water
, affirmed the civil servant.

The aqueduct of the North-western line will have the Presa de Monción as source of provisioning and a capacity storage of 10.600.000 gallons. The treatment plant is able to provide 3 thousand liters of drinking water per second, which are distributed by gravity, by allowing the energy saving and the reduction in the operational costs, with a handling of advanced technology.

32.000 domiciliary connections were installed to the system to supply a population of more than 950.000 inhabitants, by replacing for the majority of this population the distribution networks of drinking water.

Among the Communities which will benefit from this network there are Mao, Hato Viejo, El Puente, Boca de Mao, Cruce de Guayacanes, Cruce de Esperanza, Batey Libertad, Maizal, Bejucal, Entrada de Mao, Higüerito, Esperanza, Guatapanal, Jimanagao, Peñuela, Villa Tabacalera, Pontón, Navarrete, Martín García, Guayubin and Juan Gómez.

As well as Hatillo Palma, Jaibón, Laguna Salada, El Carril, La Caya, Villa Elisa, La Guajaca, Villa Sinda, Los Limones, Hato al Medio, Botoncillo, Sabana Cruz, El Manantial, Estero Hondo, El Papayo, Puerto Juanita, Punta Rucia, Los Pilones, Villa Vásquez, Villa García, Vigiador, Laguna Verde, Batey Juliana, Palo Verde, Montecristi and Cana Chapetón, among others.

President Fernández went over some sectors of the aqueduct, in company of the director of Inapa and the executives of the Brazilian consortium Norberto Odebrecht and Andrade Gutiérrez. During the ceremony, the President received four recognitions of the governors of the provinces of the North-western Line, of the Association for the Development of Valverde, of the Town council of the commune of Esperanza and of the Association of Speakers of Valverde, in thanks for the work.

In gratitude for the recognitions he said that never before he had been the subject of so many distinctions. Four recognitions it is more than what I hoped for, but that indicates two things, firstly, the true penetration and the importance of this work which is inaugurated today and which will have an impact on the life of thousands of people, and secondly, that it is really a true stimulant to continue to inaugurate aqueducts .

The President was accompanied in his activity by the secretary of Education, Alejandrina Germán; an Employee of the Presidential office, Luis Manuel Bonetti; the secretary of the Environment, Max Puig; the director of the INDRHI, Frank Rodriguez; the director of Invi, Alma Fernández, and the director of the ODC, Luis Acosta Moreta, among other people.

During the ceremony, in addition to the merengue song « yo sigo subido en el palo » $var, of Peña Suazo and the typical merengues of President Kilo, we could listen to the crowd acclaiming the Leader for four years more.

Hoy Digital, by José Alfredo Espinal, 18.07.07

Sol Dominicana Airline initiates the preparation of the technical personnel

The new company Sol Dominicana Airline began the selection and preparation of about 700 technicians and employees while it finishes the approval and permissions to begin operations, informed today a director of that company.

José Jourdain, General Manager in the country of the airline company, waits for the arrival of the planes, and said that they already have the personnel of the area of pilots, head of maintenance and director of operations.

They are in process of recruitment of the Dominican air hostesses, while they complete the formalities required by the Dominican Civil Aviation Institute Civil (IDAC) and the Assembly of Civil Aviation.

The air line is of mixed Brazilian and Dominican capital, in proportion of 65 and 35 percents, and its main market is South America and the Caribbean, specified Jourdain.

The new airline will have a weekly flights frequency to Sao Paulo, New York, Mexico, Toronto and Buenos Aires.

A fleet of seven airships will also cover flights to Cancún, Curaçao, Aruba and Caracas, with a frequency of three weekly flights, and in November, they hope to begin their regular flights.

El Libelo, 18.07.07

He emphasizes the role of the press

Yesterday evening, President Leonel Fernández underlined that the press and the justice play a main role in the maintenance of law, order and quietness, as basic elements of the civilized coexistence.

Fernández, at the time of a dinner in the National Palace offered to the Presidents of the Supreme Court of Justice, to the representatives of the Inter-American Press Society (SIP) and to communicators of the hemisphere, expressed that every day, since the Executive Power, he puts a great persistence in conquering an active and democratic participation of the mechanisms of decision-making in the public domains.

The meeting took place in the Caryatides living room of the National Palace, prior to the Second Hemispherical Conference: Judicial Power, Press and Impunity , which started yesterday in the capital.

The press, with its condition of mediation with the various social sectors, as well as with its task of information diffusion, like the justice plays a role of security guarantor and in the application of the law for the support of the democratic government , said the Head of Government.

Fernández explained that in this task, ” the press is not only used to denounce the concessions, which coexists in the society, but it also controls and underlines the bad functioning of the public and private institutions. The problems specific to the modern world as the traffic of drugs, of weapons, of people, the organized crime, are challenges which must receive a clear and firm answer from the Judicial Power he said.

He emphasized that a democratic state must not only guarantee the freedom of the press, but at the same time, must create the legal conditions for all the citizens to have access to the public information as a guarantee for the realization of a fairer society, interdependent and participative.

El Caribe CDN, by José Manuel Medina, 18.07.07

AERODOM rejects the denunciation concerning stealing in the airports

The Consortium of the Dominican Airports Siglo XXI AERODOM, rejected a denunciation allotted to the Canadian government according to which tourists of this nation would have been stolen of personal objects and money, in the airports managed by this company.

The director of the Communication of Aerodom, Yolanda Mañan, informed that contrary to this denunciation, the international organizations which regulate the security and the commercial aviation like the ICAO and the TSA, of the United States, evaluated and considered the airports of the country, as the most effective and the safest of the Caribbean.

She explained that Aerodom handles seven international airports including four of the principal air terminals and that it seems that the denunciation allotted to the government of Canada is a little bit strange, since this one is not supported by responsible signature.

On last Tuesday, the information appeared on the portal of a printed newspaper, denouncing that the Canadian government had alerted the citizens of this country who visit Dominican Republic, of the presence of crimes, attacks, diseases and of thefts in airports.

This denunciation is allotted to the Canadian government, but it is not specified that the authorities of this country are blamed, we just say that it does not reflect the reality , said the communication representative of AERODOM, Yolanda Mañán.

According to information, the thefts would have been recorded especially in the Gregorio Luperon airport of Puerto Plata, one of the seven airport terminals which are managed by the Employers’ Consortium Aerodom Siglo XXI.

Yolanda Mañan indicated that Aerodom is constantly making investments in the airports which it manages, and that they are subjected to rigorous controls by the ICAO and the US Administration of Air Transport Security (TSA).

She explained that, precisely at the time of the conclusion of an inspection performed by the TSA, less than one month ago; this international organization declared that the Airport of Las Americas is the most safe airport terminal of the American continent.

The civil servant of Aerodom does not reject that in Gregorio Luperon Puerto Plata or in any other Dominican airport, an isolated fact of violation or theft occurred, but she said it is not fair to generalize it.

El Nuevo Diario, by Ray Castro, 19.07.07

Leonel Fernández will inaugurate the aerodrome of Constanza

President Leonel Fernández will inaugurate this Thursday an aerodrome and a habitable complex in the commune of Constanza, built at a cost higher than 130 million pesos.

The Aerodrome June14th of Constanza has a runway of seven thousand feet length , a hangar, a garden, a car park for 80 vehicles, a control tower and a building for the offices and the passengers.

The Airport Department informed that the new aerodrome will inject some dynamism into the economy of the Constanza Valley, one of the principal productive zones of plants, flowers, fruit and vegetables of the country. Tourism will also take advantage of it.

Almomento, 19.07.07

The authorities and the storekeepers prepare the Season 2007 in Las Terrenas

The next weekend, we will have the confirmation of the changes of the closing times which will be applied in Las Terrenas during the Season 2007, as from August.

It seems that these schedules will change to one additional hour during the week and to two additional hours the weekend, meaning a closing time at 1:00 am in the week and at 4:00 am during the weekend.

Yesterday, we could see the inspectors of the Sanitary Control Services of the Public Health Ministry visiting the bars and restaurants of the village to perform the necessary checks and to give some advices.

In addition to the freshness and the quality of the products, it should be said that an advantages of Las Terrenas is to have permanent electricity (cuts being increasingly rare), which favors the good conservation of food in the refrigerators and freezers.

Have a nice weekend !

Editoril Staff, Las Terrenas Live, 20.07.07

Eduardo Estrella is going away from the PRSC

Ex presidential candidate of the Christian Social Reformist Party (PRSC), Eduardo Estrella, declared himself independent and invited the Dominican people to work with him on the creation of a proposal which he calls Dominicans through the Change .

Eduardo Estrella said that the purpose of his proposal will be the integration of all the Dominicans of goodwill.

In a speech made through a radio and television channel, the politician specified that he declared himself independent to deliver his voice to those who do not feel represented and to those who recognized his way of thinking.

El Viajero Digital, 22.07.07

The country rejected pressures exerted by the IMF

The International Monetary Funds (the IMF) is reaching intolerable limits with the aim of imposing to the Dominican Republic economy its harmful straitjackets, affirmed yesterday the editorial of the Listin.

The pressure exerted here by its representatives, lounging in the Central Bank, is at the political level, the same thing that was imposed in the past by the consuls of the empire, denounces the redactor.

This time, he adds, they put a mortal deadline to the Deputies Chamber to approve the Electricity Law, with a blackmail of a 10 days deadline to conclude, if not the agreements with the country will not be able to continue.

With responsibility, the President of the Deputies Chamber rejected this ultimatum, a position that very few State people dare to assume against the very powerful financial agent , he commented.

Other national authorities regrettably subjected themselves to all the restrictions which this organization establishes, when poverty did not decrease and where nothing is granted for the people to reach a minimum of decent life , he underlined.

For the IMF, the writer underlines, the only important thing is to lend and to perceive what it lends, without being compromised with the traumatic effects that its measurements cause in the purchasing power of the population.

The leading article underlines the disastrous fame of this institution in several countries of Latin America where they proved their nonfunctional prescriptions.

The only thing, he concludes, is that the civil servants and the officers of the company assume their role of defense of our interests, without submissive or dubitative positions in the face of the disproportionate requirements of the IMF .

El Libelo, 23.07.07

The investigation on Luz y Fuerza to clarify the situation

Luz Y Fuerza Las Terrenas

15 days ago a « frère lumière » apparently irritated, started a very interesting debate on our Forum about the tariffs of Luz y Fuerza, the Private Company which ensures the electricity supply of the village.

After some exchanges, it seemed more than necessary to clear up the situation by performing a small investigation, by making some telephone calls and some calculations.

I do not have anything personnel to defend here since like everyone I pay an electricity invoice, if not that I am rather satisfied to be able to update the Website when I want in the course of the day or even in the middle of the night.

What it is interesting in this debate is to return to a form of reasoning on what it is, i.e. the base of our operation to everybody here in Las Terrenas, facing a service, tariffs and especially facing the rest of the country which envies us the quality and the regularity of this same service. You just have to walk a little bit in the country or to read the national press to realize it (free energies it ? wind pumps ? coal power station ? 6 hours of electricity per day on average ? etc).

Between the return to the candles for the tourists and the inhabitants of Las Terrenas and the purchase of a nuclear thermal power station for the country, I agree with you there is a happy medium to find.

What are exactly the Luz y Fuerza tariffs ?

First of all, to answer « juste2 » and according to the prices of Luz y Fuerza (available to the public), it seems that the tariff of 13, 75 RD $ is impossible since these tariffs do not exceed 13, 50 RD $, unless these invoices are former to December 2006 and that the business was located in the Paseo de la Costanera.

What is not excluded, according to Luz y Fuerza, it is that the price of kWh of this month is slightly increased because of the increase in the fuel.

Hereunder the Tariffs of Luz y Fuerza since May 2007:

For the Dominican residences:

– from 0 to 50 kWh 10, 00 RD $

– from 51 to 100 kWh 10, 25 RD $

– from 101 to 150 kWh 10, 50 RD $

– from 151 to 200 kWh 10, 75 RD $

– from 201 to 250 kWh 11, 25 RD $

– from 251 to 300 kWh 12, 00 RD $

– from 301 to 400 kWh 12, 50 RD $

– from 401 to 500 kWh 13, 25 RD $

– from 501 kWh and + 13, 50 RD $

For the Hotels and the Businesses (for foreign or Dominican owners):

– from 0 to 500 kWh 11, 25 RD $

– from 501 to 750 kWh 11, 75 RD $

– from 751 to 900 kWh 12, 25 RD $

– from 901 to 1200 kWh 12, 50 RD $

– from 1201 to 1500 kWh 12, 75 RD $

– from 1501 to 4000 kWh 13, 00 RD $

– from 4001 to 5000 kWh 13, 25 RD $

– from 5001 KWh and + 13, 50 RD $

Lastly, for the luxury Residences the tariff is fixed at 13, 50 RD $ for whatever consumption.

By observing these tariffs and with equal consumption of course, it is completely impossible, as I already heard, that a Dominican pays the half of what a European consumes.

Then to answer « juste2 » , a consumption of 10000 kWh since few months enter within the framework of a tariff which does not exceed 13, 50 RD $ kWh.

Now, let us imagine the case of a person, a private individual, who would refuse to be supplied by Luz y Fuerza.

I called a Ferreteria to know the price of a power plant (power generator unit functioning with Gas oil), of an average power of 5 kWh, sufficient to supply a refrigerator, a television set, some bulbs and a fan (forget in this case air-conditioning and the use for a hotel or a restaurant).

Price: 50.000 RD $ for a consumption of one gallon every 3 hours, so 8 gallons of gas oil in 24 hours.

Out of the investment of the power generator, make the following calculation:

8 X 110 RD $ (current price of the gallon of gas oil) = 880 RD $ per day

880 X 30 = 26.400 RD $ per month of gas oil consumption. Do I have to conclude ?

I do speak neither of going to get the gas oil nor about its delivery and its possible problems of delays, of dirt, nor of the maintenance of the power plant, the change of the filters, the possible breakdowns, etc. I do not speak either about the noise and the odors.

For information, 70% of the invoicing of Luz y Fuerza represents the purchase of the gas oil. The average residences of the Dominicans, 60% of the consumers, represent 27% of the total invoicing. The hotels and the businesses of the foreign and Dominican owners, 16% of the consumers, represent 42% of the total invoicing.

Finally an advice to avoid the abusive invoices, check your electric installation and your consumption while disconnecting and by turning off all your electrical appliances and going to control that the meter does not turn, because leaks are not impossible.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 23.07.07

The Dominico-Europea Humanitarian Association communicates its next Operativo

The Dominico-Europea Humanitarian Association continues its program.

On Saturday 28/07, the Association will perform its monthly medical operation.

Doctor Polanco, supervisor of the whole team, brings the physicians of the association in Agua Sabrosa, in the surroundings of El Limón, very underprivileged and very poor sector.

After the consultations and sight controls, the team will distribute drugs and clothing.

Las Terrenas Live, as usual, will publish the report of the day.

Dominico-Europea Humanitarian Association, le 23.07.07

Miss Las Terrenas (continuation)

AGUA THIANA… MI AMOR DE AGUA PURA in Las Terrenas was the sponsor of the photos session of Saturday July 21st, 2007… ice cubes and water manufacture in the calle Principal.


A 17-year old young student made her entry… FILIANA… SUPER LINDA and ELEGANT.

Because of the clothing preparation for the candidates and also for the quality of the show, we took the decision to postpone the date of the final of this event MISS LAS TERRENAS 2007 on SATURDAY AUGUST 18th at 22h00.

WE NEED MORE CANDIDATES please contact us or come to visit us.

EXTREME PIXEL… Shop of the photographer BRUNO DONGU… PASEO DE LA COSTANERA… 829/399/56/17

Next photos session on SATURDAY JULY 28th… 15h00 PLAYA PALAPA and also on CATAMARAN TORTUGA…… with all the participants.

Welcome to everybody.

Hervé BROUSSET, 23.07.07

Shell sells its shares of Refinería Dominicana Petróleo

The Shell Company will bring to the public notice in the next days the name of the company to which it will sell its shares in the Dominican Oil Refinery (Refidomsa), as disclosed by a reliable source to the LISTIN DIARIO.

The intention of the Shell Company to sell its capital relative to the shares with which it operates on the fuels local market, was announced 6 months ago to its partner the Dominican State. But since this date a veil of mystery was maintained around the announcement of the sale of the shares of Shell, and inviolable and confidential agreements would have been signed with the interested parties, subjected to requests for non compliance.

However, close sources let know that the announcement on the choice of the Company which will buy the shares of Shell, and consequently, which will be the new partner of the State in Refidomsa, will be made public in the next days.

Shell has 50 percent of the shares of Refidomsa and the State the 50 other percent, but the private Company manages the mixed capital company.

Until now, the only thing which was publicly known on the sale, were declarations of the General Manager, Rafaël Maradiaga, at the end of a meeting with the governmental commission chaired by the Secretary of Finances, Vicente Bengoa, named by President Leonel Fernández to give a follow-up of the negotiation.

Maradiaga informed that after analysis of the many proposals, a commission belonging to Shell and a sale representative of its shares, chose four finalists groups and that at the time of a forthcoming occasion they would inform the commission named by the Government of the selected group.

In an appearance to a radial program, the president of Refidomsa, Rubén Montás, informed last Friday that Shell had not yet communicated neither the winning group nor the price of the negotiation, and he added that after having informed the President of the Republic, the President will have 60 days to decide if the State buys the participation to Shell or if it sells to the new partner, according to the agreement of shareholders dating from the beginning of the Refinery and which was in its time approved by the National Congress.


At the end of last month, the Secretary of State, Angel Lockward informed that the four finalist groups were composed of Sun Petroleum and the Vicini-Corripio group, Trafigura Beheer B.V., oil group with headquarters in Geneva, Switzerland, and having offices, terminals and refineries in 65 countries. It is represented in the country by the Propagas group.

One also speaks about the group of Santiago, composed by company managers of this province of the sector of the free zones, the Bermúdez family, and finally about the Isla group, with the oilman John Moller, at its head.

Listin Diario, by Modesto Rodríguez, 24.07.07

PN retains thousand people; 67 vehicles and 689 motos in mobile operations

During the last 72 hours at least thousand people were retained for investigation by the Police in « mobile operations » made by the institution in the whole country, informed lieutenant general Bernardo Santana Páez.

The chief of the institution informed that the retained people are part of three thousands 500 who were registered.

He emphasized in addition that in these operations, 67 vehicles were retained because of lack of documentation, and that 689 motorcycles were also confiscated.

The operation was also carried out in eight commercial places because of violation of decree 308-06 that prohibits the sale of alcohol drinks after midnight from Monday to Thursday and after 2:00 am on Fridays and Saturdays.

Also during the operation, five stolen vehicles were found.

The chief of the Police force said that these operations will continue in order to prevent the crime and to offer greater security to the citizens.

Al Momento, 30.07.07

SEE initiates free distribution of 14 million text books and other school equipment

The Junior Minister of National Education (SEE), Alejandrina Germán, said last Sunday that she is already sending to the different school districts more than 14 million text books that will be given free to the students of the official sector for the year 2007-2008 that starts on August 21st, 2007.

She said that the measures will benefit to more than 70 percent of the total matriculated students of the educative system, from the Initial Level to the Middle Level.

In the last three years, the Dominican families who have their children in the public educative centers did not have to pay a sole cent for books because the Government, through the minister of National Education, satisfied this necessity, she expressed.

Germán said that in the case of families with serious economic limitations, they will receive in addition to the text books, uniforms, shoes, and schoolbags among the school equipment.

This action of the government and of President Leonel Fernandez Reyna, she added, not only tries to improve the quality of the education, but constitutes another sample of the persistence in the improvement of the life conditions of the families with little economic income.

She emphasized that the focused programs are important in the Dominican Republic, « because serious economic inequalities between the different regions are persisting » $var.

She indicated that her management works is based on the « map of the poverty » of the country. The civil employee took advantage to inform that the Ministry of National Education is ready to guarantee the beginning of a next successful school year in the whole national territory.

El Nuevo Diario, 30.07.2007

A Proposal for a US tax worries the producers of tobacco

The Dominican producers of tobacco are worried and nervous. Their concern is generated by a bill which follows its course to the Congress of the United States and which would affect the national manufactures of cigars with a tariff of 53.3 percent, calculated on the basis of import price.

One of the principal companies of the branch, Arturo Fuente, and the President of the Commission of the Agricultural and Agro-Industrial Affairs from the Senate, Amílcar Romero, rang the alarm bell and asked the Congress of the United States to not approve this bill which creates a new tax on the cigar and which will have social consequences for a country like Dominican Republic.

Both support that the impact on industry would be devastating: the internal retail prices would be reduced of 50 percent and the consumption would be reduced of 33 percent; the country would lose around 100 million US dollars in currencies produced with exports and 18 thousand people would lose their jobs, on which their families depend directly.


The President of the company Arturo Fuente, producer and exporter of high quality cigars, Ciro Cascella, explained that the initial impact would be more serious for reasons of rationalization of the inventories and that the sector more affected would be the production of tobacco. For example, if on average all the factories have three years of inventory and if the reduction of their sales is of 33 percent, there would be some 4.5 years inventories, it would then not be necessary in theory to sow a sole plant of tobacco for thus reducing the inventories to three years, he indicated.

Cascella considers that if the project is accepted to the Congress of the United States, the small factories will go bankrupt for the same reasons of growth of inventory with regard to their new levels of sale, which will oblige the importers of cigars to don’t place order during three months.

The senator Romero considers that if the American legislators continue with this tax proposal, they condemn one of the industries which generating the most employment in zones of the country having an important index of poverty.

He recalled that the Creole cigar, which is famous on the international market, would be seriously affected, representing losses of more than 100 million dollars for the sector.

The congressman said that the communication with the Dominican ambassador in Washington, Flavio Darío Spinal, is maintained in order to present at the American Senate the concern of the Dominican producers.

He also expressed the same concern to the Commerce Section of the US Embassy in the country, by hoping that the necessary means are set up to prevent that this tax initiative does not continue.

He indicated that he met with members of the Association of Producers of Cigars (Procigar), who expressed to him their concerns for the future of the Dominican cigar if this new fiscal tax is approved.

He explained that in the country more than 300 tareas are cultivated only for the production of the tobacco in the zones of Cibao and in the North-western Line.

Listin Diario, 30.07.2007

Aid of the Dominico-Europea Association in Agua Sabrosa

For the third consecutive time in three months, The Dominico-Europea Humanitarian Association went in a discriminated hamlet near to El Limón.

A team of 4 physicians, 3 Dominicans and 1 French, accompanied by the team of drugs distribution, consulted 137 people of all the ages.

The drugs were distributed free and moreover, the examination of the vision of 65 people made possible to prescribe 35 pairs of glasses which will be sent free from France.

The growing number of consultations to every « operativo » confirms the importance of this action. In addition to Doctor Polanco, coordinator of these « operativos », two other Dominican physicians, the gynecologist Dr. Krooke and another lady doctor, working in the hospital of Sanchez came to consult.

Other members of the association: Hélène, Anne, Sabine, Michelle, Denis, Niña, Manon, Bernard and two American students worked in their sector.

We will keep you informed of the next action; while waiting, the Association is in charge in France of the next container, which will be the tenth and which will arrive at Las Terrenas at the end of October.

The Dominico-Europea Humanitarian Association, 31.07.07

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