Philippe Siebert received the “SSI Platinum Pro 5000 Instructor”

A prestigious recognition, only for the best divers

The Scuba School International (SSI), an international organization present in 90 countries, whose mission is to promote the teaching of scuba diving, awarded Philippe Siebert, co-founder and CEO of Turtle Dive Center Dive Center with the prestigious SSI Platinum Pro 5000 INSTRUCTOR.

Only the best divers in the world are awarded with this recognition, which corresponds to the highest level that can be achieved in this sport.

According to the requirements of the Scuba School International, to deserve this award, it’s necessary to have 2500 points of experience, have at least 10 years of professional experience, have made ​​a significant contribution to the diving industry and obtain a letter of recommendation from two instructors already awarded with the SSI Platinum Pro 5000 Instructor.

Only 1664 divers in the world have received this award, including Jacques-Yves Cousteau.

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