Las Terrenas on the national channels (1)

José Acevedo promised us the national TV for the promotion of the village and particularly for the « Festival del Arte » scheduled on Saturday, February 24th and Sunday, February 25th, and this was done this weekend. First in the afternoon in the Paco Cabaña with Charlie Simon, famous painter and representative of the artists of Las Terrenas, Hervé Brousset in charge of the organization of the Festival and José Acevedo, Deputy. The diffusion of the Carnival on the 27th February will certainly be added to the diffusions of this long festive weekend.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 04/02/07

Las Terrenas on the national channels (2)

Definitely this weekend in Las Terrenas was under the cameras since a second shooting team; the one of Jose Lora (Tele Ruta, on the right side on the photo) carried out several interviews of various personalities on the life and the problems of the village, such as for example the closing hours of the bars and restaurants. This photo was taken at the time of the interview of Gerard Prystasz, honorary Consul of Las Terrenas, and of José Acevedo in the Mosquito bar. Then another interview took place later in the evening in the Café Atlantico of Sergio with other persons responsible for public businesses. These reports will be diffused on the national channels.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 05/02/07

Las Terrenas on line on France

The programme Échapées Belles of France 5, shot last months in Las Terrenas, is online on (then click on the link of the « integral videos » on the right side of the page) since yesterday evening.
You will find as from the 18th minute, for the impatient ones, the beginning of the report on Las Terrenas which starts with Hervé Brousset ! !

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 06/02/07

Verizon becomes again Codetel + Claro

Following the transaction of acquisition between Verizon International and América Móvil, Verizon Dominicana changes its image and becomes CLARO – CODETEL, a new concept in communication.
CLARO for mobile telephony and CODETEL, for fixed and data telephone, are property of América Móvil, the telecommunication company leader in Latin America, with more than 115 million of mobiles users.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 06/02/07

Creation of a direct road El Catey – Las Terrenas

Leonel Fernandez El Catey Samana

This morning took place the official inauguration of El Catey International airport in the presence of President Leonel Fernández.
The Master of Ceremony, Rodolfo Espinal, handed over to several personalities of the negotiating table such as the Reverend Braulio Portes for the blessing of the Terminal, Abraham Hazoury, Representative and Board Director of Aerodom and Andrés Vanderhorst, Executive Director of the Airport Department.

The most awaited intervention was the one of Freddy Pérez, Public Works and Communications Minister who confirmed the end of the works of the speedway Santo Domingo – Samaná for December 2007, and who also announced the creation of a direct road from El Catey International airport to Las Terrenas, without going through Sánchez.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 07/02/07

DR ratifies disabilities agreement

The Dominican Republic ratified and promised to respect the Inter-American Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against People with Disabilities at a ceremony at the Organization of American States in Washington, D.C. yesterday. The agreement obliges the DR to adopt the legislative, social, educational, labor-related, or any other measures needed to eliminate discrimination against people with disabilities and to promote their full integration into society. With the ratification, the DR is committed to ensuring that new buildings and facilities constructed allow access for people with disabilities. For more on the treaty, see

DR1, 08/02/07

Saudi investments imminent ?

Minister of Foreign Relations Carlos Morales Troncoso has held a meeting with Saudi Arabian ambassador in the US Turki al-Faisal in Washington, D.C to complete the protocol for his visit to Saudi Arabia on 12-16 February. Morales will initiate final talks for the establishment of diplomatic relations between both countries, as well as meeting with King Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz during his visit.
Reportedly, Ambassador Al-Faisal, who is nephew to the Saudi Arabian King, has indicated that his country is interested in carrying out important investments in the DR.
Morales Troncoso will visit Saudi Arabia at the invitation of his colleague Saud al Faisal, brother of the Saudi Arabian ambassador in Washington. Al Faisal visited the DR last year and was received by President Leonel Fernandez.
Petroleum consultant H. Delano Roosevelt, grandson of the late US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt and electricity investor, Rolando Gonzalez Bunster also took part in the meeting.

DR1, 08/02/07

El Catey, from 6 to 18 flights per week

When the airport opened in December 2006 only six flights per week were scheduled, but Hoy reports that it has been receiving close to 18 flights per week. There is also the possibility that Delta Airlines could begin a Atlanta-Samaná frequency later this year.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 09/02/07

Press conference yesterday evening

Press conference yesterday evening in the Café Atlántico, in front of the cameras of the national channels journalists of Telemicro (Channel 5), Tele Antilla (Channel 2), Telesistema, Tele Ruta and in the presence of the Mayor of Las Terrenas José Alexis, of Dr. Pedro Catrain, lawyer and political commentator, of Mr. Orsini of Luz y Fuerza, of Gerard Prystasz, Consul of Las Terrenas, of Maikel Guerrero Duran, Managing Director of the Banco Popular as well as of investors, restorers and hotel-keepers of the village.
The purpose of this meeting was the improvement of the tourist development in Las Terrenas and the economic difficulties generated by the restriction of the closing hours of the bars and restaurants.
They also tackled the improvement of the Police force services for a better security.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 10/02/07

Claude BREARD left us

A friend left us. Claude BREARD known as « PAPY », one of the first French who came in the Eighties, just died in Paris of the consequences of a long disease. More than 10 years ago, he created « La Gaterie » on the site of the current Plaza Taïna. Thanks to him, we had wine, camembert cheese and cooked pork meats, unknown products in the village at that time….
Thank you Papy for the good times we spent in your company, we will not forget you. Your friends: Pierre, René, Dominique, François, Paco, Henri, Laurent, Bambou, Jérôme, Syrenie and many others…

Pierre FAYET

Minutes of the meeting of the Festival del Arte

In the presence of about thirty regional artists the following points were confirmed:
1 – the festival office will be located at the PACO CABANA BEACH RESTAURANT on the left side of the cemetery and will be open from 9 a.m. on Saturday 24th and Sunday February 25th… CAROLE and HERVÉ will welcome you.
2 – until today, the numbers of participants is of 50 exhibitors… Santo Domingo… La Romana… Peninsula of Samaná….
3 – the arts and crafts stands will be located in the sector between the cemetery and playa Popy.
4 – the commercial places will receive the painters.
5 – the PALAPA Hotel will receive a collective of artists and musicians.
6- 150 posters of promotion will be stuck up in the Peninsula of Samaná.
7 – the LT7 newspaper of Thursday, February 22nd will present the program and the localization of this festival.
For any information or participation : 809/854/91/55


Las Terrenas twinned with Saint-Jean-de-Luz

It is official; the twin city of Las Terrenas will be Saint-Jean-de-Luz (France).
The first common point between these two cities is that they are turned towards the same ocean, then they have both turned back on fishing. The first because of the European quotas which privilege Spain for fishing, and the Dominican Republic (from which 85% of the fish market are imported) because the consumption is directed towards the cultures (primarily the rice) and the chicken breeding.

Beyond this report, an idea is germinating: to use the means and the knowledge of the fishermen and of the College of Saint-Jean-de-Luz to ensure the training and the requirement in material of the Dominican fishermen.

Agreements are already made with the Mayor of Sánchez and the Dominican government, which put at the disposal all the infrastructures of Arroyo Barril (Samaná Bay) for the creation of a mixed investment company.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 14/02/07

Happy Valentine’s Day to all the lovers

Saint Valentine’s Day is the traditional day on which lovers express their love for each other ! But where this tradition comes from ?
The name « Valentine » has pagan previous history. The French farmers of the Middle Ages pronounced the « g » as a « v ». The name of origin being « galantine », its derivative « gallant » meaning a passionate young man known for his « love affairs » , the transition to Valentine was easy.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 14/02/07

Increase of the delinquency, the hotel-keepers of Samaná in alert

The « Alliance of the Tourist Services Companies of Las Terrenas » rang the alarm on the negative effects that the development of the crime could have on the tourism and asked the authorities to increase the surveillance in the whole area.
However, the alliance asked for more flexibility regarding the closing hours of the bars and the restaurants of the zone, that instead of midnight, these businesses can close at 2 am, this after having considered that the increase of the police surveillance should not affect the functioning of the entertainment places.
José Oscar Orsini Bosch, president of the « Alliance of the Tourist Services Companies of Las Terrenas » , complained about the Democratic Plan of Security which was applied to the detriment of the commercial places.
He added that such is the case because of this program, instead the surveillance of the zone is strengthened; the members of the Tourist Police were reduced from 24 to 8.
He underlined the importance of the police surveillance for the municipality of Las Terrenas because during the past months, a notorious increase of the thefts and the attacks in the businesses, the houses and in the streets was recorded.
He appealed to the authorities so that they make more flexible the closing hours of restaurants and other entertainment places because during the last months, a significant fall of the businesses profitability occurred, and hundreds of workers were laid off.
Last December, President Leonel Fernández announced the inclusion of the municipality of Las Terrenas to the Democratic Security Program which fights against the crime and the delinquency together with the Colonial City and Boca Chica.
He held up as an example the case of the Italian citizen Pierro Ravetta, owner of the discotheque the Nuevo Mundo, the most important establishment of this type in Las Terrenas, which underwent a considerable decrease of receipts and which has to lay off more than 20 employees these last months because of the effects of the new restrictive closing times imposed by the authorities.
According to Orsini Bosch, the National Police force, the Tourist Police force, Politur, the public Ministry and the judges of the municipality will not be able to carry out an effective work, if they cannot count on the support of their superiors.
Considering this situation, he asked the governing bodies of these institutions to provide the necessary support and to allocate resources so that the local authorities can successfully complete their functions.
With regards to the measure which imposes the closing of the food and drinks businesses at midnight from Sunday to Thursday, he underlined that in Las Terrenas there are numerous small hotel structures with few rooms and that is why the tourists go out in the restaurants and the bars of the village, for entertainment.
Orsini Bosch asked for a special revision of the case of Las Terrenas, so that the bars and the restaurants situated in the tourist zones can remain opened till one o’clock in the morning from Sunday to Thursday and up to two o’clock on Friday and Saturday.
He insisted on the fact that the measure to close the bars at midnight is affecting the tourist sector and all the workers who depend on this activity.

Hoy Digital, 13/02/07, by SOILA PANIAGUA

IMF approves agreement with DR

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) approved yesterday the letter of intention with the fifth and sixth reviews of the stand-by agreement signed between this organization and Dominican Republic in January 2005, which will involve a disbursement of US $57million this month and other US $228 million by the end of the year.

Hoy Digital, 15/02/07 by SOILA PANIAGUA and MANUEL JIMÉNEZ

Recycling in Las Terrenas

The Town council of LasTerrenas is in contact with a European company for the creation of a recycling factory. The project, already quite advanced, would give place to a first visit of its European responsibles as from May 2007 and the factory would be built on the current site where the household refuses are buried.

Ayuntamiento of Las Terrenas, 15/02/07

Air Dominicana in 2008 ?

The government has announced the creation of Aerolineas Dominicanas (Air Dominicana) that will be run by Air Europa, the Spanish airline. Tourism Minister Felix Jimenez explained that although the Dominican government is acting as a shareholder in the project, all investments are private. He made the announcement during a press conference at the Presidential Palace.
The airline’s first flights are scheduled for 2008. The feasibility report calls for an initial investment of US $10 million. The company will begin with a fleet of four jets – two Boeing 767s, a Boeing 737 and a Boeing 800.

DR1, 15/02/07

The pipe’s roadwork

After a stop period, due to the strong rains of the end of the year which had obstructed the grounds, the works of the waste water evacuation have started again since few weeks.
This work began in the calle Mella, next to the French school, and will continue to the calle Sanchez as planned.
In spite of this interruption, the end of realization of these streets remains scheduled for the end of April of this year.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 17/02/07

To find the Cosón beaches

Thank you to José Alexis, Mayor of Las Terrenas, to have asked its team to take the opportunity of the good weather and of the machines to repair the Cosón road.

Then to find its beaches and its small restaurants, take again the road of Coson…

Have a nice Sunday !

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 17/02/07

The Diario Digital and Las Terrenas

The Diario Digital of Dominican Republic also devotes an article to Las Terrenas, following the meeting on the new establishment of the closing hours and on the security. We will have this week a declaration of José Alexis, Mayor of Las Terrenas, on this subject.
While waiting for the article translation coming very soon, here is the direct link on this matter in the Diario Digital: ?module=displaystor y& story_id=13326& format=html

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 18/02/07

Agreement with Chevron for the DR-Cafta

The Government came to an agreement with the fuel transport company Chevron to put end to the obstacle for the coming into force of the Agreement of Free Trade between United States, Central America and Dominican Republic (DR-Cafta), according to two resolutions expressed by the Ministry of Commerce and Industry (SEIC).

(Photo: Minister of Commerce and Industry)

Listin Diario, 21/02/07

A new “Fiscal” for Las Terrenas

As a result of a request of Gerard Prystasz and Rubén García, relayed by the articles of the national written press following the meeting of the « Alianza de Empresas de Servicios Turísticos de Samaná » set up by Orsini, yesterday evening we could welcome Mr. Medina, the new magistrate who will be attached to the local National police force and to Politur.
The purpose of his work is to apply quickly and more easily the judgments, when it is known that until now, the Police force had 48 hours to recover testimonies, to make a request and to move the suspect to Samaná for his judgment. What meant that a theft or an aggression happened on Friday or on Saturday had very few chances to lead because of the distance of the village and of the judge’s availability during the weekend.
The Magistrate received the support of the foreign community but also of the Dominican personalities present at this meeting, namely the District Attorney of San Francisco de Macoris Amado Rosa, the District Attorney of Samaná and Mr. Anderson of the Medio Ambiente. José Alexis, traveling to the Capital, had the opportunity to meet with the Magistrate the day before and he also ensured him his best help.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 22/02/07

Weekend Festival and Carnival in Las Terrenas

This long festive weekend, Las Terrenas performs its first Festival del Arte and its first Big Carnival ! Come to discover the Dominican and foreign artists in their entire Splendor and all their Art.
To the program: Saturday 24th and Sunday 25th, Exhibition of several artists spread over the village, between the Punta Popy and the Paseo de la Costanera.
Tuesday 27th: in the morning official Independence Day procession and in the afternoon, starting from 14h, election of the Carnival Queen (in the Multi-Uso) then Big Procession of the whole Las Terrenas in the streets of the village ! ! !

Let’s start the party !

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 24/02/07

Weekend closing times

In order to have a nice and long festive weekend, you will be able to enjoy the restaurants or the bars until 2:00 a.m. for the night from Sunday to Monday.

Information confirmed by José Alexis, Mayor of Las Terrenas.

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las terrenas Live, 24/02/07

The Victories of the Dominican music

Lenny and Max are brothers, Anthony and Henry are cousins but they do not have a relationship with the two others. Come out in 2002, their song Obsesión (No es amor) (with the chorus of Judy Santos) is one of the summer 2004 dances and a big success in France. Between 1994 and 1999, the name of the band was « Los Teenagers » $varand they produced under this name Trampa De Amor. They received the price Lo Nuestro 2005 of the best Tropical Band.
Yesterday, they again received the price Lo Nuestro 2007, this time, of the Best Latin America Band. Also rewarded, the singer Juan Luis Guerra and the duet Monchy & Alexandra (recommended to whom wants to discover a beautiful Bachata).

Congratulations !

El Caribe CDN, 24/02/07

The flights towards Las Terrenas

Here they are some proposals for Round Trip flights from PARIS – BRUSSELS – GENEVA – MONTREAL – DUSSELDORF – TORONTO towards Las Terrenas as well as prices for information. For more advanced research, contact me by mail at and you will receive the list since the nearest airport for your departure.

PARIS – LAS TERRENAS (Samaná) Round Trip
Departure on 13/03/07 at 08h15 from Paris CDG
Arrival on 13/03/07 at 20h05 in El Catey Las Terrenas
Departure on Monday 20/03/07 at 20h55 from El Catey Las Terrenas
Arrival on Tuesday 21/03/07 at 17h00 in Paris CDG
Round Trip Ticket price: 1044 €

Departure on 13/03/07 at 06h55 from Brussels
Arrival on 13/03/07 at 20h05 in El Catey Las Terrenas
Departure on Monday 20/03/07 at 20h55 from El Catey Las Terrenas
Arrival on Tuesady 21/03/07 at 15h05 in Bruxelles
Round Trip Ticket price: 1004 €
GENEVA – LAS TERRENAS (Samaná) Round Trip
Departure on 13/03/07 at 06h50 from Geneva
Arrival on 13/03/07 at 20h05 in El Catey Las Terrenas
Departure on Monday 20/03/07 at 20h55 from El Catey Las Terrenas
Arrival on Tuesday 21/03/07 at 16h25 in Geneva
Round Trip Ticket price: 1044 €
Departure on Monday 19.03.07 at 3 :15 PM from Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau, Montréal
Arrival on Monday 19.03.07 at 7 :25 PM in El Catey Las Terrenas
Departure on Monday 26.03.07 at 8:25 PM from El Catey Las Terrenas
Arrival on Tuesday 27.03.07 at 0:35 AM in Montréal, Pierre-Elliott-Trudeau
Round Trip Ticket price: 702 $
TORONTO – LAS TERRENAS (Samaná) Round Trip
Departure on Sunday 4.03.07 at 6:25 AM from Toronto International Pearson
Arrival on Sunday 4.03.07 at 11:25 AM in El Catey Las Terrenas
Departure on Sunday 18.03.07 at 11:55 AM from El Catey Las Terrenas
Arrival on Sunday 18.03.07 at 11:55 AM in Toronto International Pearson
Round Trip price: 983 $

Departure on Monday 26.03.07 at 11h10 from Düsseldorf
Arrival on Monday 26.03.07 at 15h10 in El Catey Las Terrenas
Departure on Monday 02.04.07 at 17h10 from El Catey Las Terrenas
Arrival on Tuesday 03.04.07 at 9h45 in Dusseldorf
Round Trip Ticket price: 1015 €

Sylvain MAUFRAIS, Las Terrenas Live, 25.02.07

Festival del Arte 2007

With its 80 present artists this week-end in Las Terrenas, a new spirit is blowing on the village.


HERVE BROUSSET…responsible 2007

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