Environment minister toured Las Terrenas projects

To assure compliance with established environmental standards

Environment minister Bautista Rojas yesterday toured areas in the northeastern province where tourism projects are being built, to assure compliance with established environmental standards.

The official visited Portillo and Las Terrenas, where he met with project developers and residents, to ensure they don’t harm the area’s fragile ecosystems.

Among the projects included observed Balcones del Atlántico in Las Terrenas, and Sueños del Atlantico, in Portillo, both of the developer Construtora Bisonó, while the latter has yet to begin.

Much of Samaná province is under the fragile areas category for its many wetlands, which play an important role in the ecosystem, providing sanctuary for nesting birds and the protection of various animal species. They also function as estuaries and of fresh water reservoirs for human use, and filter solid waste.

Rojas makes weekly visit to different protected areas such as Los National Park Haitises to prevent illegal cultivation of crops, and other places where urban ecological parks will be built.

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