Institutional Strategic Plan 2025-2028 workshop held

The Minister of Health, Victor Atallah, led the workshop “Formulation of the Institutional Strategic Plan 2025-2028” on Monday, to initiate the strategic and programmatic guidelines that will guide the work of the institution over the next three years, in order to provide and guarantee quality health services to citizens in the Dominican Republic.

The Strategic Plan (PEI) 2025-2028 establishes the guidelines to be followed by the Ministry of Health, as the governing body of Dominican public health, with a comprehensive and humane approach.

Minister Víctor Atallah described the forum of the Institutional Strategic Plan 2025-2028 as highly important, since the mission of the Ministry of Health is to initiate the process of definition that will guide the guidelines to be followed in the next three years towards the construction of a more robust, accessible and equitable health system for all.

He stated that planning and strategy are two very important elements and “our vision is to build a comprehensive, accessible, equitable, efficient and people-centered health system that promotes health and wellness at all stages of life, and to achieve this, we propose a comprehensive approach based on several key pillars such as: Strengthening Primary Care; Modernization of Infrastructure and Technology, Training and Development of Human Resources, Equity in Access to Health and Innovation and Sustainability.”

He stressed that it is essential to consolidate primary care as the basis of a solid health system. It is at this level that diseases are prevented, chronic conditions are managed and the wellbeing of the population is promoted.

“Without robust primary care, you cannot aspire to a health system that responds effectively to the needs of the people.”

The Health head also indicated that there is a need to invest in the modernization of health facilities, ensuring that they are equipped with the necessary technology to provide quality care. This includes the implementation of digital health systems that allow for better patient tracking and more efficient management of resources.

“Health is a right, not a privilege. We must ensure that all people, especially the most vulnerable, have access to the health services they need, eliminating economic, geographic and cultural barriers,” the minister said.

The official pointed out that the Institutional Strategic Plan will be the result of an exhaustive analysis and conscious planning, aligned with the National Development Strategy and other key instruments of the Dominican State. It is an effort that requires the active collaboration of all sectors of society: the government, health professionals, the private sector, academia and citizens.

Miguel Rodríguez Viña, Vice-Minister for Strengthening Health Sector Development, informed that the PEI 2025-2028, which depends on Plandes 2030, is the reference framework that should be the center of all decisions made within the government’s health policy plan, which seeks to provide a guaranteed high quality service in an efficient manner from the health centers.

During the workshop, the results of the evaluation of the Mispas Institutional Strategic Plan (PEI 2021- 2024) and Learning for the New Process were presented, as well as the Strategic Guidelines for Planning 2025- 2028 and the Methodological Manual for the Management of Institutional Strategic Planning (PEI).

Also, on the Inter-institutional Articulation between the Planning Instruments of the Dominican State and the Formulation Process of the PEI 2025-2028 of Mispas, Health Sector Priorities and the END and Indicators, Results Framework 2025-2028. Health Sector and Presidential Goals, and the National Strategic Health Plan (Plandes 2030), among other elements.


The Institutional Strategic Plan (PEI) is the result of a collaborative process of the different vice ministers, collaborators and technicians of the Provincial Directorates and Health Areas, with the collaboration of international agencies, who, through an absolute and participatory process of analysis, reflection and assessment, consolidated the commitment to align the management of the Ministry of Health, the current government of President Luis Abinader and all the institutions participating in the framework of inter-institutional cooperation, with the objective of strengthening the Dominican health system.

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