Collado sees new Skyhigh flight between SD and Puerto Rico strategic

Tourism Minister David Collado, after the announcement by Skyhigh Dominicana of the launch of its new route that will connect Santo Domingo with Puerto Rico, said that the operation complements the strategies that the country wants to implement, to encourage more flights between the two nations and increase the exchange of tourists, both local and international.

“What we want to generate is that there is more competition, that there are more airlines and that a Puerto Rican can say ‘I’m going to spend the weekend there’ or ‘I’m going to Santo Domingo or Punta Cana’, and likewise the Dominican can cross here (Puerto Rico),” Collado said.

For the minister, the exchange of tourists between both countries is significant for the performance of the sector in both jurisdictions. However, he said that one of the main challenges are the air fares, which despite being so close to the other destination, are often very expensive.

The announcement of the connection was made during a Tourism Roadshow held by Mitur in Puerto Rico at the Sheraton Hotel in the Convention District.

According to through an internet search, a round trip flight for a week, ranged from US$160 to US$400 between the months of September and October, on the airlines that currently offer flights between both destinations, so with the insertion of the new airline, it is expected that flights will compete in price and be more economical.

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