Entrepreneurs in San Juan receive 60 million in loans

According to Fabricio Gómez Mazara, general director of PROMIPYME, this is in order to boost the economic development of the province.

The National Council for the Promotion and Support of Micro, Medium and Small Enterprises (Promipyme) granted RD$60 million in loans to 279 entrepreneurs in San Juan de la Maguana.

According to Fabricio Gómez Mazara, general director of the entity, this is in order to boost the economic development of the province.

“Today we are here to provide economic, material and financial tools that will allow micro and small entrepreneurs to continue contributing to the growth of San Juan de la Maguana”, explained Mazara.

The director added that with this the institution seeks to increase its credit portfolio in the region, urging entrepreneurs and small businessmen to take advantage of the financing opportunities offered by the institution.

“We come with good news and a firm commitment: to deliver credits totaling RD$60 million, benefiting 279 citizens of San Juan,” he reiterated.

Mazara emphasized the importance of financial education to guarantee the success of the enterprises, “in addition to delivering credits, we are obliged by Law 488 to form, train and strengthen our beneficiaries to keep their businesses stable and sustainable over time”.

In that sense, he urged beneficiaries to participate in the courses and diploma courses offered by Promipyme on money management and other key areas for business success.



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