The tomato

All about tomato

Description, nutritional benefits and cosmetic virtues of the tomato

The tomato is an annual plant of the family of Solanaceae that comes from North America (Mexico).

It’s fruit, that contains nearly 95% of water, is fresh, juicy, and is perfect to be eaten in summer because it refreshes.

The tomato is ideal to keep your weight normal, because it presents a weak caloric amount (15 kcal/100g) and helps to get rid of toxins.

The tomato is also a very good source of vitamin C (18 mg/100 G) as well as vitamin E (1 mg/100 G) and it also contains provitamin A, also called carotene (0, 6 mg/100 G).

It is recognized for it antioxidant virtues, that stimulate organism defenses, and it is also very rich in minerals and trace elements, like potassium (226 mg/100 G).

The fruit also contains phosphorus, calcium and magnesium that are interesting for the organism.

Moreover, studies show its preventive action against the development of some cancers, in particular of the prostate and of the lung, thanks to its strong amount of lycopene that gives it the beautiful red color.

The skin and the seeds contain fibers (1, 2 g/100 G) that stimulate the intestinal transit, and the tomato is famous for its pre-dinner virtues: eaten before meal, it would contribute to the good assimilation of this one.

Used as a fresh juice, the tomato accelerates the formation of sugar in blood and makes it possible to fight against tiredness.

The tomato would be also excellent for the liver health, because it contains traces of antitoxic elements called chlorine and sulfurs.

The tomato could also relieve the sunburns, by putting a tomato section on the burned skin during 15 to 20 minutes.

Finally, this fruit is extremely appreciated in cosmetic: Against the small imperfections, the tomato discs are recommended, whereas care containing tomato are used to purify the fatty skins, to disinfect the acneic skins and to clear up the dull coloring, to which it would give shining and luminosity.

By Lucie H

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