The avocado

All about Avocado

Description, nutritional benefits and cosmetic virtues of the avocado

Fruit of the avocado tree, which is part of the Laurel and cinnamon tree family, the avocado comes from

Central America, more precisely from Mexico, where it was already consumed by the Aztecs and the Mayas, 8000 years ago.

Profuse in the Dominican Republic, it is often criticised because of it fat fullness. However, it perfectly suits to high energetic needs persons like sportsmen or children in growth period.

With 138 calories for 100g, the avocado distinguish itself by an amount of high acides gras insaturés, which are favourable to the right functionning of cardiovascular apparatus and to the blood circulation in the organism.

In spite of the fact that the avocado is ranked among the most lipids rich fruits, they are in a great part acide linoleique, which helps notably to reduce the amount of bad cholesterol in blood.

The avocado represents a great source of magnesium, and above all the potassium (550 mg for 100g), beneficial for arterial tension. The phosphor, the iron, the copper and the zinc as well make this fruit a source of minerals and trace elements.

The richness of the avocado in vitamins permits it to cover a big part of the recommended daily amount.

We count, between others, vitamin C (11 mg for 100g), vitamin B, and mostly the E, that offers antioxidant properties which permits to struggle ageing.

Note that the avocado is often utilized in the fabrication of cosmetics products, because of the regenerator effects on scalp, skin, or hair.

The avocado oil, for example, is a veritable natural care for skin and hair.

Obtained by first cold pressure, it conserves all its nutritive quality. This oil is naturally rich in unsaponifiable, that stimulates the collagen and elastin synthesis, which alteration is responsible for the skin ageing.

Utilised all year, after shower or bath, in massage on face or body, this marvellous oil is a great beauty treatment, it nourishes and gives elasticity and softness to skin.

The avocado oil, contributes to the prevention of lines and stretch marks, and is recommended for babies’ dry skin.

Very efficient on dry, breaking hair and as well on weakened hair by sun, seawater, or pool water, it repairs all giving it tonus, shine and vitality.

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