Homemade face masks

Take care of your skin after the celebrations

For the celebrations of the end of the year, we want to look great, and so we use often too much makeup.

After the parties, it’s important to take care of the skin in order to make it shine again.

The face masks are the perfect friends of the nice sins, so there are some you can prepare at home:

Purifying mask:

Mix 25 grams of yeast with a small amount of water and let it inflate during 30 minutes.
Add a spoon of liquid honey, a spoon of green clay and a half natural yogurt.
Apply on the face after mixing it well together, and let it acting during 10 minutes.

Reviviying mask:

Squash a few ripe strawberries and mix them with a spoon of almond oil.
The mixture has to be put between two pads and be aplied on the skin for 30 minutes.
The rinse will be made with fresh milk.

Mask for oily skins:

The green clay mask helps to fight the shiny skin. The clay has to be mixed with warm water and put on the skin during twenty minutes.

To rinse it, use hot water.

Mask to stretch the skin:

Mix corn flour (Two spoons) with an egg white.
The thick paste has to be applied on the skin and rinse ever since the skin feel as streched.

Nourishing mask:

Make purée with an avocado and add two spoons of almond oil to it. Ten minutes are enough to nourish the skin deeply.

Anti circle mask

For the tired eyes, the camomille is great.

Slices of fresh cucumber to be posed on the eyes are a good wheeze too.

Good-looking mask:

Grate some carrots with a dark color and mix it with a bit of almond oil. Apply on the skin during 15 minutes.

Whitening mask:

Squash some cucumber slices (without the skin) and mix it with fresh milk, in order to form a purée that you will leave acting during twenty minutes.

By Lucie H

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