Beautiful breast

Easy ways to have a beautiful breast

This summer with the tendencies of the season (bustiers, dockers and bikinis) our chest needs to look great.

Then, to have the most beautiful breasts we have to take care of them and preserve them by applying some gestures daily, not only for this summer, but for all the life !

First, the breasts are not made of muscles, but of grease and glands. It is thus necessary to concentrate the cares on the skin that support them…

  • The famous cool water jet on the chest at the end of the shower is very effective to firm up the skin, and on contrary, the hot baths distend the skin. And remember, we have to suffer to be beautiful !
  • Be careful with compressing the chest. Avoid sleeping on it, crossing the arms or using too small bras.
  • Take precautions with the sun ! Yes, it again… during a prolonged and not protected exposure it causes damages to the skin, so it loses elasticity, and it causes breasts to fall !
  • Take care with the sports like aerobics, race, and athletics that mistreat the chest and cause damage to its tissues: it is essential to wear adapted bras that you can find in sport stores.
  • Choose a proteins rich food. The proteins would nourish the subcutaneous muscles and the pectoral ones that support the breasts.
  • Stand upright. It seems really easy, but a good position raises the chest and makes work the breasts muscles.
  • To strengthen the skin, pronounce the X letter, widening the smile to the maximum. The neck is contracted and the top of the chest goes up slightly.
  • To work the pectoral muscles, get your 2 hands palms together, the wrists has to be at the chin height, and clap the hand palms without disjoining the fingers.
  • To harden the chest, fold the arms in front of the chest and open the elbows on each side by raising them with horizontally at the height of the chest. Close a hand and recover it with the other hand. Exert a pressure of the hands one against the other for 10 Sec.

So, good luck ladies, these are only good habits to adopt and that are worth it to emphasize one of the most beautiful assets of the women.


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